Fire protection symbol (Hessen)

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Graphic representation of the fire protection symbol in all its levels
Graphic representation of the fire protection symbol (special levels)

The fire protection badge was donated on July 30, 1962 by the then Hessian Prime Minister Georg-August Zinn . Since then, it has served as recognition and appreciation of merits for fire protection in the state of Hesse .


In 2002, the foundation decree of the fire protection emblem underwent a change that was unique in Germany, namely in the form that it was possible from this point in time to assign levels I to III in a different quality. These changes affect both the color background and the ribbon color of the ribbon medals. The “special levels” have a white background and the ribbon has the colors white-red-white (instead of red-white-red).


The fire protection symbol of the state of Hesse also differs in its classification from the federal model of 3 levels and includes a total of 4 levels (plus 3 special levels). The level distribution is therefore:

  • Level I: Silver fire protection badge on the ribbon, (to members of volunteer fire brigades for at least 25 years of active and dutiful service in fire brigades)
    • Special level I: Silver fire protection badge on the ribbon, (to people who have made special contributions to fire protection or who have shown particularly courageous and determined behavior in fire fighting or other fire services)
  • Level II: Golden fire protection badge on ribbon, (to members of voluntary fire brigades for at least 40 years of active and dutiful service in fire brigades)
    • Special level II: Golden fire protection badge on ribbon, (to people who have made outstanding services to fire protection or who have shown particularly courageous and determined behavior in fire fighting or other fire services)
  • Level III: Silver fire protection badge as a plug-in cross , (to people who have shown their particularly courageous and determined behavior during fire fighting or other fire services)
    • Special level III: Silver fire protection badge as a plug-in cross, (to people whose activities have contributed to a significant improvement in fire protection in the country)
  • Level IV: Golden fire protection badge as a plug-in cross. (at considerable risk to life and limb due to particularly courageous and determined behavior during fire fighting and other fire services)

When the golden fire protection badge is awarded on the ribbon, the silver badge of honor on the ribbon must be taken off. The same applies to the award of the golden fire protection badge as a plug-in cross, after which the silver plug-in cross must be removed.

Award requirements

As already mentioned, the band medals in their "normal version" are awarded for 25 or 40 years of active and dutiful service in volunteer fire brigades. The implementing ordinance for the foundation decree only regulates which times are counted as service time and that this service time is not to be provided without interruption. However, the award requirements for the higher levels and those of the special levels appear more interesting here.

Silver fire protection badge as ribbon medal "special edition"

This level can be awarded if the underlying services to fire protection are equivalent to at least 25 years of active, dutiful service. This rather vague justification will not be fulfilled for one-off merits or achievements. In order to be recognized, these must have a certain duration and sustainability. The services can be both theoretical and practical in nature and do not have to be of supraregional importance, i. In other words, they can also be limited to services to the fire protection organization and fire protection of a community. The level can therefore also be awarded to persons not belonging to the fire service.

Golden fire protection decoration as a ribbon medal "special version"

The award requirement for this level is merits in fire protection, which are equivalent to 40 years of active, dutiful service. This requirement, too, will rarely be met in the case of one-off achievements and merits that are limited to local areas. Therefore, it is at least required that the services have been provided over a longer period of time and that they are also of supraregional importance. According to this, particularly those persons come into consideration who have made significant contributions to fire protection in larger areas (e.g. district level, administrative district level). Even at this level, the achievements can be of a theoretical or practical nature.

Silver fire protection badge as a plug-in cross "standard version"

As already published in the foundation decree, the silver cross is awarded for particularly courageous and determined behavior in fire fighting or other fire services. In order to reach this level, the person to be awarded does not have to be in considerable mortal danger at the time of the act. But it must also be so extraordinary that recognition and worthiness by awarding the fire protection badge on the ribbon does not make this act appear sufficient or appropriate.

Silver fire protection badge as a plug-in cross "special version"

The special version (with a red cross of flames on a white background) can be awarded if the underlying merits have contributed to significant improvements in fire protection in the country. These services can be both theoretical and practical in nature. Achievements in the field of science (about fire protection), which serve fire protection technology and fire chemistry, as well as for services to fire protection organization and fire protection research are also recognized. The level can therefore also be awarded to persons not belonging to the fire service. At this stage too, the performance must be so exceptional that recognition and worthiness by awarding the fire protection badge on a ribbon does not make this act appear sufficient or appropriate.

Golden fire protection badge as a plug-in cross

As stated in his foundation decree, the prerequisite for being awarded this level is particularly courageous and determined behavior . This means that the person to be awarded was in considerable danger to life and limb while fighting the fire and was distinguished by particularly courageous and determined behavior. If these prerequisites have not been fully met, a lower level of honor can be considered for the merits. In this context, the awarding and / or the exclusion of the awarding of the fire protection badge with regard to the award of the Hessian rescue medal is not regulated may be awarded.

An award requirement for all levels is that the person to be awarded appears worthy of the award, i.e. This means that the whole personality has to be taken into account.

Appearance, texture and way of wearing

Band medals "normal version"

The first and second level fire protection emblem consists of a 43 × 43 mm isosceles cross and shows a flame cross on a red background with the state coat of arms of Hesse in the middle. Both steps are worn on a red-white-red ribbon on the left side of the chest. This ribbon is lined with the level awarded, either in silver or in gold. The cross of flames and the border of the cross itself are also made of silver or gold, depending on the level awarded.

Ribbon medals "special version"

The fire protection badge of the special level for special (level I) or outstanding (level II) merits also consists of an isosceles cross with the size 43 × 43 mm, but shows a red flame cross on a white background with the state coat of arms of Hesse in the middle . Both steps are worn on a white, red and white ribbon on the left side of the chest. This ribbon is lined with the level awarded, either in silver or in gold. The border of the cross itself is silver or gold depending on the grade awarded.

Cross connector "normal version"

In the case of the fire protection badge as a plug-in cross, the legs of the cross are connected by an embossed oak leaf wreath , which is silver for the silver badge and gold for the gold badge. The dimensions are also here 43 × 43 mm. Like the Order of the Band, it shows a cross of flames on a red background.

Cross connector "special design"

The special version of the cross-connector is only available in the silver version . That means there is no gold. The fire protection honor mark is also based on the normal version, but in contrast to this shows a red flame cross on a white background.

Common for all levels, regardless of whether it is a normal or a special version, the inscription on the back of the badge of honor. For merit in fire safety is to be read.

Carrying method

The fire protection badges on the ribbon (in original size) are only worn on special occasions. The pin that was handed out with the award is worn on the left lapel of the civilian suit. Otherwise, the small medal buckle is worn over the left outside pocket of the fire brigade's skirt. Crosses can always be worn in their full size on the left breast pocket or alternatively as ribbon medals. As already mentioned, if you are awarded a higher level, you must take the lower one. The silver decoration on the ribbon must be removed when the decoration on the ribbon in gold is awarded. The same applies to the award of the plug-in cross in gold. In this case, the silver cross must also be removed.

Authority to apply

Official forms must be used when applying for the fire protection emblem. These are then to be signed by the authorities authorized to make proposals (usually the community boards of the community of residence of the recipient). They are also responsible for the correctness of the information in the application form. When applying for the fire protection badge as a plug-in cross, a report must also be enclosed in which the circumstances should be presented that justify the award.

Authority to award

The fire protection badge of honor as a plug-in cross is awarded by the Prime Minister of the country, the fire protection badge of honor on the ribbon in his name by the minister responsible for fire protection. With the award a certificate is issued to the borrower. The honorary badge itself becomes the property of the borrower when it is handed over. After his death it remains as a souvenir for the bereaved. The fire protection decorations are, however - subject to special individual cases - in the districts by the district administrator, in cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants and the urban districts by the mayor (or a person appointed by him) to the honorary person.

Reasons for refusal

The fire protection badge is not awarded to persons who are unworthy of the award as a result of a conviction for a deliberate crime or misdemeanor or for other reasons. This also applies to the case in which the borrowed person fulfills these facts through his later behavior or such reasons only became known later.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of July 30, 1962, Business and Ordinance Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 409, amended on October 2, 2006, Article 1.
  2. ^ Decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of July 30, 1962, Business and Ordinance Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 409, amended on October 2, 2006, Article 2 paragraphs 1 to 2
  3. ^ Decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of July 30, 1962, Business and Ordinance Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 409, amended on October 2, 2006, Article 2 paragraph 3
  4. Implementing provisions for the decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of August 6, 1990, State Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 1680, amended on October 31, 1998, Article I No. 2
  5. Implementing provisions for the decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of August 6, 1990, State Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 1680, amended on October 31, 1998, Article I No. 3
  6. Implementation provisions for the decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of August 6, 1990, State Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 1680, amended on October 31, 1998, Article I No. 2.2, 2.4. and 4
  7. Implementing provisions for the decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of August 6, 1990, State Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 1680, amended on October 31, 1998, Article I point 5
  8. ^ Decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of July 30, 1962, Business and Ordinance Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 409, amended on October 2, 2006, Article 3 Paragraph 1
  9. ^ Decree on the foundation of a fire protection emblem of July 30, 1962, Business and Ordinance Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 409, amended on October 2, 2006, Article 3 Paragraph 2
  10. ^ Decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of July 30, 1962, Business and Ordinance Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 409, amended on October 2, 2006, Article 3 Paragraphs 3 and 4
  11. Implementation provisions for the decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of August 6, 1990, State Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 1680, amended on October 31, 1998, Article VI
  12. ^ Decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of July 30, 1962, Business and Ordinance Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 409, amended on October 2, 2006, Articles 4 and 5
  13. Implementing provisions for the decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of August 6, 1990, State Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 1680, amended on October 31, 1998, Article V
  14. ^ Decree on the foundation of a fire protection symbol of July 30, 1962, Business and Ordinance Gazette of the State of Hesse, page 409, changed on October 2, 2006, Article 6