Brigitte Sarry

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Brigitte Sarry

Brigitte Sarry (born September 6, 1920 in Allenstein , East Prussia ; † June 19, 2017 in Berlin ) was a German chemist and professor at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin).


As the daughter of the lawyer Paul Sarry (1880–1944) and her mother Else Sarry (1886–1947), b. Bernecker, Sarry grew up in Allenstein. After graduating from high school , Sarry studied chemistry at the Georg-August University in Göttingen from 1939 , interrupted by an interlude at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich . She wrote her diploma thesis as well as her dissertation in the working group of Günther Rienäcker on the parahydrogen conversion in copper and platinum, initially in Göttingen and later at the University of Rostock . Shortly before the end of the war, Brigitte Sarry received her doctorate on April 14, 1945 in Rostock . Topic of the dissertation: "Para-hydrogen conversions in Cu-Pt mixed crystals".

The habilitation took place in 1954 for the subject inorganic chemistry at the University of Rostock. She dealt with the investigation of hydrogen compounds of transition metals . Sarry turned down a professorship at the Technical University of Chemistry in Leuna -Merseburg, did research at the Technical University of Stuttgart and then worked as a lecturer at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg . In 1958 Brigitte Sarry avoided the increasing political pressure in the German Democratic Republic and fled to West Berlin, where she continued her scientific research under difficult external conditions at the Technical University of Charlottenburg (today TU Berlin), first as a scientific adviser and then as an unscheduled one Professor.

In March 1969, Sarry was appointed full professor at the TU Berlin. There she worked at the Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry in the field of organometallic compounds of transition elements, which was synthetically demanding for the time, and gave important impetus for the development of homoleptic ( i.e. with similar ligands) organometallic compounds .

In the fall of 1982 Brigitte Sarry took early retirement for health reasons.

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Individual evidence

  1. Jörn Müller : Brigitte Sarry (1920–2017) , Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 65, (2017) p. 1047.