Brugmansia arborea

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Brugmansia arborea
Brugmansia arborea (Datura arborea) (11034244644) .jpg

Brugmansia arborea

Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
Genre : Angel's Trumpets ( Brugmansia )
Type : Brugmansia arborea
Scientific name
Brugmansia arborea
( L. ) Sweet

Brugmansia arborea is a kind from the genus of Engelstrompeten ( Brugmansia ). It is the only species of the genus that is used for food in China.


Brugmansia arborea is a two meter high bush or large herb. She is finely haired. The leaves are ovate-elliptical, 20 to 30 cm long and 10 to 15 cm wide. The leaf margin is entire.

The white flowers are hanging. The calyx is sheath-like, 15 to 17 cm long, in the middle about 7 cm in diameter, it is irregularly open and divides into three to four pointed tips. The corolla is orange-red, trumpet-shaped, 30 cm long and has a diameter of 16 to 20 cm at the tip.

The fruits are spindle-shaped.


Although the plant is indigenous to Brazil , the fruits are used for food in China , they are occasionally seen in cultivation in villages there, and in Hong Kong the imported fruits can be found on the market.


  • Shiu-ying Hu: Food Plants of China . The Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, 2005. ISBN 962-201-860-2 .

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