Bruno Hilpert

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Bruno Hilpert (born August 20, 1850 in Sangerhausen , † probably between 1910 and 1916 ) was an imperial music director .

The son of the Nadlermeister Friedrich Gottlieb Hilpert completed his music studies in Leipzig and in 1871 became senior conductor at various larger stages, where he came to Strasbourg in 1877 and took over the management of the men's choir the following year, with which he undertook major concert tours in 1884. Franz Liszt dedicated Pax vobiscum to them in 1885 . With his wife Alma Caroline Marie, geb. Sering, he had the son Siegfried Hilpert . In 1885 he founded the Hilpert u. Wernecksche music pedagogy and in 1888 he became federal chorister.

He was critical of the royalty movement.

As the successor to Wilhelm Bünte , he followed a call in 1897 as conductor of the men's choir in Hanover .


  • The taxation of musical performances in Alsace-Lorraine by the agent of the 'Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique' in Paris ; 1896
  • Pedagogy for Music in Strasbourg i. Els. Rainbowgsse 10
  • Four Alsatian songs for male choir
  • The new harp, harp school


  • Two German choir masters ; In: Sängerhalle (general German choral society newspaper for Germany and abroad); Born in 1898, issue 22/23
  • Encyclopédie de l'Alsace
  • Émile Rupp : Bruno Hilpert. imperial music director (1850–1910) ; In: Alsace-Lorraine song and music newspaper , October 1910; P. 2