Bruno Mahlow

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Bruno Mahlow (born May 1, 1899 in Göhren ; † February 3, 1964 in East Berlin ) was a German trade union and KPD functionary.


Bruno Mahlow was the son of a middle farmer. He learned to be a printer. In 1916 he became a soldier in the First World War . He was sentenced to seven years in the fortress for "resisting superiors", but was given an amnesty in 1918.

In March 1918 he became a member of the Book Printers Association and the Spartakusgruppe . He was a delegate at the founding party congress of the KPD in Berlin at the end of 1918. From 1919 to 1922 he was a functionary of the banknote printer union of Berlin. There he kept silent about party affiliation. He only officially joined the KPD in 1922 and became a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg district leadership. In 1925 he was a supporter of the "ultra-left" around Werner Scholem . In mid-1926 he separated from the left opposition and at the end of 1927 became a full-time employee of the Central Committee in the trade union department. Since 1929 he was a member of the Reich leadership of the RGO .

After the beginning of the Nazi era , Mahlow emigrated in March 1933. When crossing the border, he suffered a serious spinal cord injury. From the end of June 1933 he stayed in Moscow. After a stay in hospital, he was a consultant in the Central European Office of the Red Trade Union International (RGI) from October 1933 , then from 1934 responsible secretary of the International Commission of Workers in the Printing Industry at the RGI and employee of the trade union department of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (EKKI).

In 1937 Mahlow was arrested by the NKVD . Since he was suffering from a serious infectious disease and was temporarily paralyzed at the time, he was released from prison in 1938.

After the attack on the Soviet Union , he and his family were evacuated to Astrakhan on August 29, 1941 , and on to Tashkent in September , where he stayed until spring 1947.

Mahlow returned to Germany seriously ill in May 1947 and joined the SED . He was involved in the working group of deserving union veterans . He received the Patriotic Order of Merit in silver in 1957 .

Mahlow's son Bruno (born June 27, 1937) was a diplomat of the GDR and until 1989 deputy head of the International Relations Department of the SED Central Committee .


Individual evidence

  1. According to German communists , he was banished, but his son was not confirmed.