Bruno Schmidtsdorf

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Bruno Schmidtsdorf (born June 8, 1908 in Eberswalde , † February 28, 1938 in Butowo ) was a German actor and musician of the column links .


Schmidtsdorf went to the Soviet Union with the Links column in 1931 . There he played the main role in 1935/36 in the film Fighter, made by German exiles . During the Stalin Great Terror , the NKVD arrested him on February 5, 1938 on charges of membership in the fictitious counter-revolutionary organization "Hitler Youth". He was sentenced to death on February 20 and shot dead near Moscow on February 28. Earlier, the had KPD functionaries Pieck , Ulbricht and Wehner explained by a party exclusion agreed.



  • Günter Agde : Bruno Schmidtsdorf - the interrupted career . In: Wladislaw Hedeler , Inge Münz-Koenen (ed.): "I came to your country as a guest ...". German opponents of Hitler as victims of the Stalin terror. Family fates 1933–1956 . Lukas Verlag, 2013. ISBN 978-3-86732-177-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Wladislaw Hedeler: Chronicle of the Moscow Show Trials 1936, 1937 and 1938 , p. 662