Bublák Mofette

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Bublák Mofette
Video of the Bublák Mofette

The Bublák-Mofette is an active mofette near the Fleißenbach between the places Milhostov and Vackovec in the Czech Republic .

Gas flows unhindered from the depths here in large quantities. The gas comes from active magma bubbles about 30 kilometers below the earth's surface. This mofette is ideal for investigations into swarm quakes and volcanic activity in the Eger basin . Studies over 10 years show that the composition of the gas changes. This allows indications of volcanic activity.

The way to the Bublák Mofette is not signposted. Within sight (estimated 150 m) of the first house in Vackovec (north exit towards Milhostov), ​​next to a telephone pole on the left of the road, a path (west) leads downhill over the field into the forest and downhill almost straight to the Plesná stream and the Bublák -Mofette on the left (eastern) side of the stream.

Hartousov's mofettes

The Mofettenfeld Hartousov is located 1.2 km south of Vackovec downstream near the village of Hartousov. Directly to the left and right of the bridge over the Plesná stream between Hartousov and Hnevin. To the left of the bridge (towards Hnevin) are the Mofetten in the forest (rather dry Mofetten), to the right of it in marshy meadow terrain (Mofetten with water filling) - always on the eastern side of the Fleißenbach. The adjacent meadow is under nature protection and entering it is not without danger because of the larger cavities of gas accumulations (carbon dioxide) under the grass (risk of burglary).

On site there is a wooden house next to the meadow in which (Czech?) Universities carry out permanent measurements with stationary measuring devices.

A similar natural situation can be found in the Czech Soos nature reserve ( Národní přírodní rezervace Soos ).

Web links

Commons : Milhostovské mofety  - collection of images, videos and audio files