Bucentaur Rock

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Bucentaur Rock
Waters Stromness Bay
Archipelago South Georgia
Geographical location 54 ° 9 ′  S , 36 ° 33 ′  W Coordinates: 54 ° 9 ′  S , 36 ° 33 ′  W
Bucentaur Rock (South Georgia)
Bucentaur Rock

The Bucentaur rock is a rock cliff on the southeast side of the entrance to Stromness Bay on the north coast of South Georgia . It is the outermost three rocks immediately northeast of Busen Point .

Participants in the British Discovery Investigations mapped it in 1927 and named it Low Rock and named it between 1926 and 1930. Since this name had already been used for Low Rock in the archipelago of the South Shetland Islands , it did not prevail. The South Georgia Survey renamed it after surveys between 1951 and 1952. It is named after the factory ship Bucentaur , which was used in the first years of the Husvik whaling station from 1907.

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