Boltersen humpback burial ground

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The humpback burial ground of Boltersen in Lower Saxony consists of about 300 humpback graves and is located about 12 kilometers east of Lüneburg in Rullstorf am Uhlenberg between the villages of Boltersen (street: Am Kirchwege) and Neetze (just under 1.4 km west of Neetze). The central point of reference of the burial ground is Boltersen's megalithic bed without a chamber , which is one of three megalithic complexes on the Uhlenberg , all of which are now heavily destroyed .

The ashes of the dead were buried in wide-mouthed urns, first under and later between the more than 300 hills. The main feature of humpback graves is that they are urn graves or fire heaps over which a mound of earth up to 50 cm high has been raised. The bowl urn, in which the corpse burn of a pyre was collected, stands in a pit in the middle under the sand hill, which is not fortified by curb stones. Sometimes a not completely closed ring trench is covered by the hump.

The grave fields of Boltersen and Bad Bevensen (with 54 preserved graves) are the only grave fields of their kind that can be presented. They date from the Younger Imperial Era (3rd to 5th century AD) in Northern Germany .

See also


  • Katharina Mohnike: The humpback graves of the younger Roman emperors and peoples migration times in Eastern Lower Saxony. In: Babette Ludowici, Heike Pöppelmann (Hrsg.): The togetherness, side by side and opposition of cultures. On the archeology and history of mutual relationships in the 1st millennium AD (= New Studies on Saxony Research. Vol. 2). Theiss, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-8062-2497-9 , pp. 68-79.

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Coordinates: 53 ° 16 ′ 2 "  N , 10 ° 35 ′ 47"  E