Bund-Länder technical committee

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As Federal-State Technical Committee , rarely in the spelling Federal / State Technical Committee (abbreviated BLFA) or -Arbeitskreis be in Germany such bodies referred that the meeting participants about twice a year meetings of the ministers of the federal government and the states to work or European Treat policy areas that can only be successfully implemented in the German federal state structure in cooperation between the federal government and the governments of the federal states. Members of the specialist committees are civil servants or employees of the respective responsible ministries, usually at the level of the department head , less often unit head .

Below are examples of federal-state specialist committees on transport that work for the Conference of Transport Ministers of the Federal States (VMK). The abbreviation is BLFA, often with the abbreviation of the topic in question, for example BLFA-StVO, in which the need for interpretation and changes to the road traffic regulations are discussed.

Domestic policy example

Example for marine protection

  • Federal / State Committee North and Baltic Sea

Individual evidence