Confederation new territory

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The Bund Neuland is an Austrian association that was founded in 1919 as the "Christian-German Student Association" by Karl Rudolf and Michael Pfliegler . He emerged from the Catholic youth movement .


One reason for the foundation was the fight against secularization . The federal organ was the magazine Neue Jugend , which Karl Rudolf brought into being. The federation played a decisive role in the liturgical movement in Austria.

The Bund Neuland was the first Catholic association to declare that membership in Neuland was incompatible with National Socialism and dissolved itself when Austria was annexed in 1938 .

The Bund Neuland was re-established in 1948 by former members of the "Bund Catholic Youth Movement-Neuland".


Many well-known personalities from this association helped shape life in Austria after the Second World War , such as Cardinal Franz König , Monsignore Otto Mauer , the pastor of Hetzendorf Joseph Ernst Mayer , Otto Schulmeister , Felix Hurdes , Ida Friederike Görres , Albert Höfer , Lois Weinberger and the Governor of Salzburg, Hans Lechner . “Neuländer” played an essential role in the cultural and political reorientation of the church in terms of modern art and architecture.



  • Franz M. Kapfhammer : New territory, experience of a youth movement. 1987, Verlag Styria, Graz Vienna Cologne, ISBN 3-222-11781-0
  • Otto Weiß: Cultural Catholicism. Catholics on their way to German culture 1900–1933. Regensburg 2014. pp. 88–90.
  • Neue Jugend , papers of the Young Catholic Renewal Movement, monthly magazine. Volumes 1930–1935, Tyrolia Verlag, Innsbruck, Vienna, Munich.

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