Federal association for professional nature and species protection

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The Federal Association for Professional Nature and Species Protection eV (BNA) is the nationwide umbrella organization of animal and plant keepers.


In January 1985 , the BNA was founded in Cologne by nine associations, which primarily represented breeders and keepers of animals and plants .


125 associations and clubs are organized in the association, the number of individual members is 4,000. The BNA sees itself as the mouthpiece of the animal and plant keepers. As an umbrella organization, it wants to bundle the concerns of its member organizations and represent them in the federal states, at the federal level and in the European Union. However, like other nature conservation associations, the BNA is also committed to active nature, animal and species protection. The BNA is a registered association and a recognized association according to § 29 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act .


The executive committee of the BNA is composed as follows:


  • Walter Gray

Vice Presidents:

  • Udo Elster
  • Dr. Marcellus Bürkle
  • Kurt Landes

Honorary President:

Individual evidence

  1. BNA: Presentation of the BNA ( memento of July 6, 2017 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on May 30, 2011.
  2. a b BNA: The organization of the BNA ( Memento from December 28, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on May 30, 2011.

Web links