Federal association for the promotion of swimming training
The Federal Association for the Promotion of Swimming Training ( BFS ) is an amalgamation of associations that are active in swimming training. The FSO emerged from the so-called friendly associations , which, together with the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs , have been defining the examination conditions (German examination regulations) for swimming badges ( seahorses , German youth swimming badges and German swimming badges ) since 1977/78 . The office of the FSO is in the federal office of the DLRG in Bad Nenndorf and its chairman is the former head of training at the DLRG, Helmut Stöhr.
The legally responsible association by the power of state awards in accordance with Section 22 BGB was founded on August 24, 1998 by the Hanover district government with the purpose of:
- to promote broad education in swimming in Germany
- to ensure the uniformity of training and further education in swimming within the member associations
- to encourage and encourage recognition and compliance with the examination regulations by other organizations and institutions
- to ensure that only the jointly agreed badges and certificates are used
Member associations are
- ASB - Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland eV
- BDS - Federal Association of German Swimming Masters eV
- DLRG - German Life Saving Society eV
- DRK - German Red Cross eV (including the water rescue service )
- DSV - German Swimming Association eV
- DTB - Deutscher Turner-Bund eV
- VDST - Association of German Sports Divers eV