Bunge (drum)

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Street sign of Bungelosenstrasse in Hameln
Bungelosenstrasse in Hameln

Bunge is a Middle High German word for drum .

The word bunge has been recorded on Bungelosenstrasse in Hameln since 1475 as a reminder of the place where the Pied Piper from Hameln is said to have left the city with the Hamelin children. After that, making music on this street was banned, so it was bungless , "without a drum". This unique street name is part of the entry in the nationwide directory of intangible cultural heritage for the Pied Piper legend.

Middle High German bungen means "to beat the drum ( boiler drum )". In Transylvanian-Saxon , the bungee is a "drummer".

Individual evidence

  1. Bunge. In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . 16 volumes in 32 sub-volumes, 1854–1960. S. Hirzel, Leipzig ( woerterbuchnetz.de ).
  2. Bunge . In: Prussian Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): German legal dictionary . tape 2 , issue 4 (edited by Eberhard von Künßberg ). Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar ( adw.uni-heidelberg.de - publication date 1932 or 1933).
  3. ^ Gerhard Pieper: Hamelner Streets, A city history in the mirror of their street names . CW Niemeyer Buchverlage, 2005, ISBN 978-3-8271-9301-8 .