Buntaro Adachi

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Buntaro Adachi, before 1935

Buntaro Adachi ( Japanese 足 立 文 太郎 , Adachi Buntarō ; born June 15, 1865 in Ichiyama (later part of Amagi-Yugashima , now part of Izu ), Izu (now part of Shizuoka ); † April 1, 1945 in Kyoto ) was a Japanese Doctor, anatomist and anthropologist. Adachi mainly dealt with interracial anatomical differences.


After graduating as a doctor from the Imperial University of Tokyo in 1894, Adachi continued his studies at the University of Strasbourg from 1899 to 1904 with Gustav Schwalbe , among others . On his return to Japan he was appointed professor of anatomy in 1904 and professor of anthropology at the Imperial University of Kyoto in 1919. He held this position until his retirement in 1925. In 1941 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina . Buntaro Adachi died on April 1, 1945 of complications from a cerebral haemorrhage in his home in Kyoto.


Although interested in a wide range of research, Adachi described bone lesions of Neolithic human skeletons that arose from a syphilitic etiology. Adachi devoted his research to the general and vascular anatomy and also a comparative anatomy of the Europeans in contrast to that of the Japanese. This anatomy, which is more oriented towards the differences between human races, gave rise to works such as The Japanese Arterial System (1928) and The Japanese Venous System (1933–1940). Adachi had published both works in German in memory of his stay at the Strasbourg Institute. From 1953 to 1963 Takusaburo Kihara continued the work of the late Adachi with two monographs on the lymphatic system of the Japanese. Adachi was the first to notice the appearance of two different types of ear wax, wet and dry. The latter occurs significantly more often in Asians than in control groups of Europeans.

Selected Works

  • Via the trochlear spine . Ztschr. D. med. Society to Tokyo 9, 1895, pp. 177-179.
  • On the anthropological angiology of the Japanese; Introduction and arteries of the upper extremities . Ztschr. D. med. Society to Tokyo 10, 1896, pp. 1231-1257.
  • The blood vessels of the Japanese . Ztschr. D. med. Society to Tokyo 11, 1897, pp. 1039-1054.
  • B. Adachi, U. Fiyisawa: Investigations into the bony orbit of the Japanese . Notes from the Tokyo Medical Society 13, 1899, pp. 890, 919.
  • B. Adachi, S. Akaza: About the position of the eyeball among the Japanese . Notes of the Medical Society on Tokyo 14, 1900, pp. 94-99.
  • Muscle varieties . Journal of Morphology and Anthropology 2, 1900, p. 221.
  • Skin pigment in humans and in monkeys . Journal of Morphology and Anthropology, 1902.
  • About the penis of the Japanese . Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie 5, 1902/1903, pp. 350–356.
  • The sternalis muscle is more common in the Japanese . Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie 7, 1904, pp. 133-141.
  • Buntaro Adachi, Kotondo Hasebe : The arterial system of the Japanese . Publishing house of the Imperial Japanese University of Tokyo, 1928
  • The Japanese venous system . Kyoto 1933.
  • The ear wax as a racial characteristic and the racial odor ('armpit odor') together with the racial difference of the sweat glands . Z. Rassenheilkunde 6, 1937, pp. 273-307.
  • Nipponjin taishitsu no kenkyū . Ogiwara, 1944.
  • Takusaburō Kihara, Buntarō Adachi: The lymphatic system of the Japanese . Kenkyusha, 1953.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Izu City Yugashima Elementary School: History , Famous Graduates, Adachi Buntarō (Japanese)