Burgstall Schwarzgrub

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Burgstall Schwarzgrub
Burgstall Schwarzgrub

Burgstall Schwarzgrub

Alternative name (s): Grub Castle
Castle type : Hilltop castle
Conservation status: Burgstall
Place: Walding Black Pit
Geographical location 48 ° 20 '47.9 "  N , 14 ° 8' 36.3"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 20 '47.9 "  N , 14 ° 8' 36.3"  E
Burgstall Schwarzgrub (Upper Austria)
Burgstall Schwarzgrub

The Burgstall Schwarzgrub is an abandoned hilltop castle , which is located in the district of Schwarzgrub of the municipality of Walding in the Urfahr-Umgebung district of Upper Austria . It is located above the home of the Barmherzigen Brüder (Schwarzgrub 28) on the so-called "Schlossbühel".


A "Quidam nobiles homo Otto de grubeh" mentioned in the Wilheringer Stiftsbuch around 1200 may have lived here. It can therefore be concluded with reservations that the fortification can be addressed as Burg Grub . In addition, it can be seen from the representation by Veit Hager von Allentsteig from 1661 that the castle was built in solid construction.

Burgstall Schwarzgrub today

The Burgstall is located on a foothill of the Mursberg that protrudes towards the Rodltal , which was sealed off from the hinterland by two section ditches . In the apron there is another moat, which has a right-angled diversion ("bastion") towards the Rodltal. Remnants of the wall are no longer recognizable. In the "Castle Book of Hager von Allentsteig" from 1661, a square tower with an apse-shaped extension was still recognizable.

See also
