Burkhard Voigt

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Burkhard Voigt (* 1946 ) is a German scientist with a focus on language teaching research / Spanish.


From 1968 to 1974 he studied Hispanic , Lusitanistics , Education , General and Comparative Linguistics, Philosophy in Hamburg and Madrid . From 1977 to 1981 he was a high school and comprehensive school teacher in Hamburg. After the 1st state examination in 1974, the 2nd state examination in 1977 and his doctorate in 1978, he taught Spanish at the former Central Foreign Language Institute (now: Institute for General and Applied Linguistics, Department of Linguistic Research) at the University of Hamburg from 1981 to 2012 as professor for language teaching research and foreign language teaching . He had guest lectureships at the University of Bremen , in Spain and Venezuela .

His focus is on the history of Spanish teaching in Germany, Spanish teaching methodology: open teaching - autonomous learning - film in Spanish lessons - teaching phraseology, language and culture of Galicia, Spanish as a technical language and subject systematics of Romance studies.

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