Butes (son of Teleon)

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Butes ( Greek  Βούτης ), the son of Teleon, is a figure in Greek mythology . He came from Attica . Zeuxippe is given as his mother, but this could be due to a confusion with Butes , the son of Pandion , whose mother was also called Zeuxippe .

He took part in the Argonauts voyage. When the sirens wanted to beguile the Argonauts with their song, Orpheus managed to save all participants from the danger with his counter- song . Only Butes jumped into the sea to get to them. Aphrodite saved him from drowning and brought him to Lilybaion in Sicily . He became king of the Elymers . Together with Aphrodite he had the son Eryx .



  1. Apollonios of Rhodes , The Voyage of the Argonauts , 1, 95.
  2. Apollodor , Libraries , 1, 112.
  3. ^ Apollodor, Libraries , 1, 135.
  4. Apollonios of Rhodes, The Voyage of the Argonauts , 4, 885 - 921.