César Germaná

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César Germaná Cavero (* 20th century ) is a Peruvian sociologist and emeritus professor of social sciences .

Professional background

César Germaná initially obtained a master's degree in sociology at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile . He later obtained his doctorate with his dissertation Socialismo y democracia en el pensamiento de José Carlos Mariategui , which he submitted in 1992 (published in 1995 by the Comisión Nacional del Centenario de José Carlos Mariátegui ) and received a Ph.D. in Ibero-American Studies from the University of Stendhal Grenoble III in France. Until his retirement in 2017, he taught as a professor at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) in Lima .

As part of his scientific work, he was a participant in congresses of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología (ALAS). In his work, César Germaná takes up the perception that at the beginning of the 21st century in Latin America and in large parts of the world there was a revival of critical thinking , in the course of which a focus on ethical and political perspectives took place. Essentially, his work deals with critical analyzes of the workings of Eurocentric influences in Latin American societies, which also refer to work on postcolonialism and from the field of subaltern studies . Germaná agrees with the Peruvian sociologist Quijano , who recognized two corresponding factors in modernity and colonialism in the current international power pattern ( Spanish : patrón de poder ).

Selected works

  • César Germaná: La polémica haya de la Torre-Mariátegui. Reforma or revolution in the Peru . In: Cuadernos de sociedad y política, No. 2, Perugraph Editores, Piura
  • César Germaná Cavero: Socialismo y democracia en el pensamiento de José Carlos Mariategui . Grenoble 1992. (Dissertation)
  • César Germaná et al .: La migración internacional: el caso peruano . Fondo Editorial de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales , UNMSM, Lima 2005, ISBN 9972255271
  • Cristóbal Aljovín de Losada, César Germaná Cavero: La universidad en el Perú . Fondo Editorial, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (conference paper ), Lima 2002, ISBN 9972461807
  • Mariátegui, José Carlos (1894-1930) . In: Immanuel Ness: The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the present . New York 2009, ISBN 978-1-4051-8464-9
  • César Germaná: Una epistemología otra: el proyecto de Aníbal Quijano . In: Nómadas, No. 32 (2010), Universidad Central de Colombia , Bogotá , pp. 211–221

Individual evidence

  1. copac: bibliographic evidence . on www.copac.jisc.ac.uk
  2. ^ Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos: Científico social César Germaná es Profesor Emérito . in Noticias UNMSM, communication dated August 4, 2017, on www.unmsm.edu.pe (Spanish)
  3. César Germana: An Epistemology of a different kind 'contribution Aníbal Quijano in the restructuring of the social sciences in Latin America. . In: Pablo Quintero, Sebastian Garbe (ed.): Coloniality of power. De / Colonial Conflicts: Between Theory and Practice . Münster 2013, pp. 11, 71–88
  4. ^ GVK : bibliographical evidence . on www.gso.gbv.de
  5. copac: biographical evidence . on www.copac.jisc.ac.uk
  6. copac: bibliographic evidence . on www.copac.jisc.ac.uk

Web links