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Collagen type XXIII, alpha 1
other names
  • Alpha-1 type XXIII collagen
  • Collagen Alpha-1 (XXIII) chain
  • Collagen alpha-1 chain type XXIII
Properties of human protein
Mass / length primary structure 540 amino acids , 51,944 Da
Isoforms 2
Gene name COL23A1
External IDs
Parent taxon Sarcopterygii , Nothobranchiidae
human House mouse
Entrez 91522 237759
Ensemble ENSG00000050767 ENSMUSG00000063564
UniProt Q86Y22 Q8K4G2
Refseq (mRNA) NM_173465 NM_153393
Refseq (protein) NP_775736.2 NP_700442.2
Gene locus Chr 5: 178.24 - 178.59 Mb Chr 11: 51.29 - 51.58 Mb
PubMed search 91522 237759

Collagen type XXIII, alpha 1 is a collagen with a transmembrane domain , which the gene COL23A1 is encoded. It forms homotrimers , which in turn form collagen fibrils of type XXIII.


Shedding of collagen XXIII in different compartments

Type XXIII, alpha 1 collagen has two forms: a full-length membrane-bound form and the ectodomain shed form . The distribution of these two forms is tissue-specific. In organs such as the brain, the shed form predominates, whereas the membrane-bound form is preferred in the lungs.

Cells are able to regulate the amount of collagen XXIII in membrane-bound and shed form in order to control the production of the respective form. For this reason, shedding is described as selective proteolysis , which is mainly carried out by the protein furin , but also by enzymes such as serine or cysteine ​​proteases. When the collagen XXIII is inside the Golgi apparatus , the protein is cleaved by the furin, creating the shed shape. This gets into the extracellular matrix through exocytosis .

But even the full-length membrane-bound form can reach the cell surface by introducing it into the plasma membrane. It is stabilized by non-collagenous, transmembrane domains outside the cell. The membrane-bound form is usually found in lipid rafts . The furin cannot reach the collagen XXIII molecules when they are inside lipid rafts. This allows collagen XXIII molecules to retain their membrane-bound form.

If these molecules lose their lipid raft protection (e.g. due to a decrease in the concentration of cholesterol ), the furin can break them down outside the cell and thus release the shed form directly into the extracellular matrix.

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Individual evidence

  1. Guido Veit, Elena P. Zimina, Claus-Werner Franzke, Stefanie Kutsch, Udo Siebolds, Marion K. Gordon, Leena Bruckner-Tuderman, Manuel Koch: Shedding of collagen XXIII is mediated by furin and depends on the plasma membrane microenvironment . In: J Biol Chem . 282, No. 37, September 14, 2007, pp. 27424-27435. doi : 10.1074 / jbc.M703425200 . PMID 17627939 .