CPU software house

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CPU software house

legal form Corporation
founding 1981
Seat Augsburg , Bavaria , GermanyGermanyGermany 
management Roger Heinz
Number of employees 71 (2016 average)
sales 5.29 million (2016)
Branch IT / banking software
Website www.cpu-ag.com

The CPU Software House Ltd. is a specialized in the development of software for banks Group. The company, headquartered in Augsburg, acts as a holding company and controls and coordinates three operational business units. The CPU is primarily active in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. CPU shares are listed on the Munich Stock Exchange.


The CPU was initially founded as "abv-Anlagenvermittlung-cpu Softwarehouse GmbH" in 1981 by Jochen Furch. The company received its first major order in the software sector in 1991: for Commerzbank AG , the CPU developed software to support building finance transactions, followed in 1998 by software for real estate finance for Bayerische Landesbank .

As early as 1996, the then technology holding Munich participated in a first financing round in the CPU with venture capital , in 1998 a second financing round took place, in which additional investors were added. In 1999, the company went public on the Neuer Markt of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange .

The company expanded rapidly, branches and partnerships in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Switzerland were founded. In the course of this growth, numerous companies were also acquired in the years 1999–2000. Some of their products are still sold today. This is software in the areas of credit as well as investment and securities advice. In addition, services are still provided in the banking sector.

In the course of the upheavals on the Neuer Markt, but also because of insider allegations against the management, the CPU share felt the effects of the " dotcom bubble ". While the stock market price initially reached a peak of around EUR 70, it fell rapidly and sometimes fell below EUR 1 ( penny stock ). The CPU experienced a fate similar to that of numerous other fast-growing companies in the New Market and as a result had to embark on a strict consolidation course very soon.

In the course of the consolidation, CPU Softwarehouse AG was set up as a holding company in 2002 , so that only a few central functions remained. The subsidiaries were given responsibility for themselves and their product lines.

In 2002 CPU AG moved from the Neuer Markt to the regulated market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

In 2005 CPU AG carried out a capital increase against contribution in kind. This was used to acquire Finsys AG in St. Gallen by means of a share swap . This added bank controlling and a new group company to the corporate group as a further product line.

Since 2007 further simplifications have been made in the group structure. Steps have also been taken, as with many other companies, to reduce the cost of listing in a regulated market. After the change in 2009 from the Regulated Market in Frankfurt to the Regulated Market in Munich, the CPU led a year later downgraded in the open market through and since 1 October 2010 at the m: access , the middle class segment of the Munich Stock Exchange , listed .

The majority of the shares in CPU Softwarehouse AG are in free float.

Group companies and business areas

CPU Softwarehouse AG acts as a holding company for its three subsidiaries, which develop software for banks and provide services in the banking sector. CPU concentrates on small and medium-sized credit institutions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. There is a division into two business areas: "Product" and "Service".

The product division includes CPU Bankensoftware GmbH and CPU Bankensoftware AG.

CPU Bankensoftware GmbH, based in Augsburg , operated as CPUsoftware LAB GmbH until 2008, which itself emerged from T&R GmbH, based in Bad Soden-Salmünster , which was acquired in 1999 . CPU Bankensoftware GmbH is responsible for the conception, operation and development of the standard software - "CPU-Kredit" - which is mainly used for processing in the commercial customer business of a bank and in real estate financing. The company has also recently started offering software for managing the refinancing register in accordance with §§ 22a ff of the German Banking Act .

CPU Bankensoftware AG was founded in 1998 as Finsys AG in St. Gallen, and has been part of the CPU Group since 2005. With the “Value Mirror” product line, your expertise lies in the development and operation of software for bank controlling . With the "Investment Advisor" product line, the company offers software for investment and securities advice. It also provides implementation services.

Information System Management & Consulting (ISMC) GmbH, based in Waldbronn , has been part of the CPU Group since 1999. The company represents the services division - “Professional Services”. Suitable IT specialists are made available to the customer. This ranges from support in project work, in project management and quality management to the development of individual software .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b CPU Softwarehouse AG: Annual Report 2016. (PDF) Retrieved on December 2, 2017 .
  2. ^ Issue prospectus / company prospectus April 1998, p. 9ff; CPU Software House AG
  3. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Software House AG; Communication dated April 28, 1999
  4. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Softwarehouse AG, notification dated August 9, 1999
  5. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Softwarehouse AG, notification dated August 19, 1999
  6. CPU Softwarehouse AG - "Quadrupling of sales - buy, buy, buy", in finanzen.net, March 13, 2000
  7. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Software House AG; Communications dated June 14, 1999 and June 30, 2012
  8. ^ "CPU Softwarehouse AG giant raid"; Focus Money No. 52, December 20, 2001
  9. "CPU is in ruins"; Börsen-Zeitung No. 105 of June 2, 2000
  10. Annual Report 2002, p. 8, CPU Softwarehouse AG
  11. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Softwarehouse AG, notification dated October 23, 2002
  12. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Softwarehouse AG, notification dated May 30, 2005; CPU company report 2005, p. 38
  13. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Softwarehouse AG, communication dated July 20, 2009
  14. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Softwarehouse AG, notification dated August 5, 2010
  15. Company profile on www.wallstreet-online.de , accessed on November 18, 2017
  16. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Softwarehouse AG, notification dated June 30, 1999
  17. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Softwarehouse AG, notification of April 26, 2005
  18. http://www.dgap.de ; CPU Softwarehouse AG, notification dated December 16, 1999