Caecilia Paulina

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Diva Paulina

Caecilia Paulina († 236 at the latest) was the wife of the Roman emperor Maximinus Thrax .

Almost nothing is known about Paulina, but she apparently came from a senatorial family . She apparently died during, if not already before the reign of Maximinus, but at the latest in 236, when she was consecrated as Diva Caecilia Paulina Pia Augusta and honored with coins.

Allegedly Maximinus had Paulina executed because she wanted to have a calming effect on her "tyrannical" husband. But this should only be a rumor. Their son was Maximus raised to Caesar .


  • Klaus-Peter Johne (ed.): The time of the soldier emperors, crisis and transformation of the Roman Empire in the 3rd century AD (235–284). Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 2008.


  1. CIL 10, 5054 .
  2. Zonaras , Epitome Historion 12,16.