Cajo Fabrizio (Hasse)

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Work data
Original title: Cajo Fabricio
Shape: Opera seria
Original language: Italian
Music: Johann Adolph Hasse
Libretto : Apostolo Zeno , Cajo Fabrizio (Vienna 1729)
Premiere: January 12, 1732
Place of premiere: Teatro Capranica Rome
Place and time of the action: Tarent , 279 BC Chr.
  • Pirro , King of Epirus ( soprano )
  • Sestia, Roman, daughter of Caio Fabbricio (soprano)
  • Volusio, a Roman, her lover (soprano)
  • Caio Fabbricio , Roman Senator ( old )
  • Bircenna, his bride, Princess of Illyria , under the name Glaucilla ( mezzo-soprano )
  • Turio, leader of the Tarentines (old)
  • Cinea , Pirro's confidante and advisor ( tenor )
  • People, Greek and Roman soldiers

Cajo Fabricio , also Caio Fabbricio or Cajo Fabrizio , is a dramma per musica in three acts by Johann Adolph Hasse with a libretto by Apostolo Zeno . It premiered in Rome in January 1732.

First occupation

Further performances

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl Mennicke: Hasse and the Graun brothers as symphonic orchestras. Leipzig: Breitkopf 1906, p. 377 sets the premiere in 1731 at the Teatro San Angiolo. He gives Hiller, Lebensbeschreibung 1784, p. 232 as the source for this. Corago sets the premiere for January 12, 1732 and not in the Teatro San Angiolo, but in the Teatro Capranica in Rome. For this production there is also the libretto to which the further information relates. Mennicke correctly states that the castrato Felice Salimbeni (as Bircenna), who has worked in Dresden for a long time, appeared for the first time in this production . The also mentioned Giuseppe Appiani cannot be found in the first line-up in the Teatro Capranica.
  2. ^ Libretto (only in Italian) of the premiere in Rome, Teatro Capranica 1732
  3. ^ Libretto Naples 1732
  4. Libretto Jaromeritz 1734
  5. Libretto Venice (1735)
  6. ^ Libretto (Italian and German) Berlin 1766
  7. ^ Libretto (Italian and German) Berlin 1785
  8. ^ Hasse: Cajo Fabricio / London Handel Festival, April 20th, 2012. Performance review by Opera Britannia, accessed on May 18, 2018.