Conus furvus

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Conus furvus
Conus furvus

Conus furvus

Partial order : Neogastropoda
Superfamily : Conoidea
Family : Cone snails (Conidae)
Genre : Conus
Subgenus : Calibanus
Type : Conus furvus
Scientific name of the  subgenus
da Motta , 1991
Scientific name of the  species
Conus furvus
Reeve , 1843

Conus furvus is a type of cone snail (Conidae) thatis widespreadin the Indo-Pacific andfeeds on snails .


The up to about 5 cm long ("high") housing is conical with a medium-high apex . However, the height of the apex is somewhat variable. The shoulders are tightly rounded. The seams are more or less distinct. The front (or "lower") end of the case is darkened from brown to purple. Tent-like spots are poorly developed or absent. The surface is largely smooth, apart from weak spiral and growth strips. The color varies from a lighter brown to off-white. The surface often has narrow, darker spiral lines that are interrupted at the points of intersection with the growth strips. Color and pattern are very variable, there are very light, almost white housings, but also heavily darkened, almost dark brown housings. da Motta distinguishes several formae . In the f. albicans , the broad, irregular colored stripes are aligned parallel to the growing stripes and show signs of tent-like recesses.

The anal indentation is moderately deep to deep. The operculum is small and the protoconch is paucispiral, i.e. H. has only one or two turns.

The harpoon-like teeth have only a short cutting edge and a short barb. The front section of the tooth is much longer than the rear section (about etwa to ¼). Serrations on the shaft are present, but the basal spur is missing. The base of the tooth is thickened.

distribution and habitat

Conus furvus occurs in a comparatively small area of ​​the Indo-Pacific and is distributed in the Andaman Islands as the westernmost area as well as on the coasts of Malaysia , Indonesia , New Guinea , the Philippines and Japan . It lives on the shores of the sea to depths of around 60 m.

Development cycle

Like all cone snails, Conus furvus is separate sexes, and the male mates with the female with his penis . The female lays egg capsules with numerous eggs. The eggs contained therein are about 591 µm in size in the waters of the Philippines , from which it is concluded that the phase of the Veliger larva is passed through completely in the capsules and that ready-made, creeping snails hatch from these.


Conus furvus is a mollusc-eating cone snail. In captivity, the species hunted other snails , including cone snails. The prey is stabbed several times with the fangs of the radula and killed in such a way that the predatory cone snail can pull it out of its shell to devour it whole.

Systematics, taxonomy and nomenclature

Antonio da Motta as well as John Tucker and Manuel Tenorio have greatly narrowed the formerly very large genus Conus . Most of the species became smaller, e.g. T. assigned to new genera. Conus furvus Reeve, 1843 is the type and also the only species of the genus Calibanus da Motta, 1991. The variability of the housing shape and the color pattern was the reason for a large number of synonyms for this species: Conus aegrotus Reeve, 1849, Conus albicans GB Sowerby II , 1857, Conus albus GB Sowerby III, 1887, Conus buxeus Reeve, 1844, Conus cecilei Kiener, 1845, Conus crepusculum Reeve, 1844, Conus granifer Reeve, 1849, Conus lignarius Reeve, 1843, Conus multilineatus GB Sowerby III, 1875, Conus neobuxeus da Motta, 1991, Conus nivalis da Motta, 1985, Conus polygrammus Tomlin, 1937 and Conus turritinus da Motta, 1985. The genus Calibanus da Motta is described by Nam et al. (2009) not recognized based on molecular genetic data and placed “Conus” furvus in the genus Darioconus .

supporting documents


  • Samuel S. Espino, Alan J. Kohn, James A. Villanueva, Francisco M. Heralde III, Patrice Showers Corneli, Gisela P. Concepcion, Baldomero M. Olivera, Ameurfina D. Santos (2008): Feeding behavior, phylogeny, and toxinology of Conus furvus Reeve, 1843 (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Conidae). Nautilus 122, pp. 143-150.
  • Bouchet, P., Cantor, Yu. I., Sysoev, A. & Puillandre, N. 2011: A new operational classification of the Conoidea (Gastropoda). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 77: 273-308 doi : 10.1093 / mollus / eyr017
  • da Motta, Antonio 1991: A Systematic Classification of the Gastropod Family Conidae at the Generic Level. 48 pp., La Conchiglia, Rome.
  • Tucker, John K. & Tenorio, Manuel J. 2009: Systematic Classification of Recent and Fossil Conoidea Gastropods. 295 pp., ConchBooks, Hackenheim, ISBN 978-3-939767-26-8 .
  • N. Puillandre, TF Duda, C. Meyer, BM Olivera, P. Bouchet (2015): One, four or 100 genera? A new classification of the cone snails. Journal of Molluscan Studies 81, pp. 1-23.
  • Dieter Röckel, Werner Korn, Alan J. Kohn: Manual of the Living Conidae Vol. 1: Indo-Pacific Region . Verlag Christa Hemmen, Wiesbaden 1995. The texts on the individual cone snail species of the Indo-Pacific are published on The Conus Biodiversity website with the permission of the authors (see web links).

Individual evidence

  1. World Register of Marine Species -
  2. Hannah H. Nam, Patrice Showers Corneli, Maren Watkins, Baldomero Olivera, Pradip Bandyopadhyay 2009: Multiple genes elucidate the evolution of venomous snail-hunting Conus species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 53: 645-652 doi : 10.1016 / j.ympev.2009.07.013

Web links

Commons : Conus furvus (Syn. Calibanus furvus )  - collection of images, videos and audio files