Cambio 16
Cambio 16 is a Spanish weekly on general subjects.
It was an important medium during the Spanish transition from the dictatorship of Francisco Franco to the consolidation of democracy . Modeled on the American Time and the German Spiegel , it was first published on September 22, 1971 . Cambio 16 contained every kind of information, but mainly information about political issues, and was characterized by a clearly liberal democratic standpoint.
Several issues of the magazine were confiscated by the pre-democratic authorities, who continued to influence the government until the Spanish constitution came into force in 1978. From a technical and journalistic point of view, Cambio 16 was at the height of the processes and needs of the press landscape in post-French Spain. The success of Cambio 16 led to the establishment of sister media such as Diario 16 , a daily newspaper with a national main edition and various regional editions, Radio 16, Motor 16 etc. They are all operated by Grupo 16 .