Rock Bellflower

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Rock Bellflower
Campanula petraea

Campanula petraea

Euasterids II
Order : Astern-like (Asterales)
Family : Bellflower family (Campanulaceae)
Genre : Bluebells ( campanula )
Type : Rock Bellflower
Scientific name
Campanula petraea
Campanula petraea

The rock bellflower ( Campanula petraea ) is a species of bellflower ( Campanula ) in the bellflower family (Campanulaceae).


The rock bellflower is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 10 to 45 centimeters. The plant is slightly hairy. The stem base is lignified. The stem is simple or bushy-branched, arching, but also hanging, and quite brittle. The leaves are ovate-lanceolate, the lower ones are stalked and notched, the upper ones are sessile, elongated-lanceolate and white-felted underneath.

The flowers are arranged in spherical-headed inflorescences at the stem or branch end. The calyx is shaggy hairy, has linear, blunt teeth and is about half the length of the crown . The crown is pale yellow, bell-shaped, up to 12 millimeters long haired and velvety, with far outstanding pen .

The flowering period extends from August to September.


The rock bellflower is rare endemic to the south and south-west Alps ( Brescia , Verona , Nice ). It occurs mainly in the montane area at altitudes of up to 1300 meters in crevices of vertical limestone rocks and cracks in walls.

supporting documents

  • Gunter Steinbach (Ed.): Alpine flowers (Steinbach's natural guide). Mosaik Verlag GmbH, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-576-10558-1 .

Web links

Commons : Campanula petraea  - collection of images, videos and audio files