Carl Blumenreuter

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Carl Blumenreuter (born November 16, 1881 in Berlin , † July 11, 1969 in Neustadt in Holstein ) was a German pharmacist , SS group leader and lieutenant general of the Waffen SS and SS chief pharmacist.


Blumenreuter studied food chemistry. During the First World War in 1916 he received special training in gas fighting at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in Berlin. In 1935 he joined the paramilitary organization of the NSDAP, the SA , and in 1937 the NSDAP (membership number 5,916,887).

From 1936 he was with the medical department of the SS-Totenkopfverband and built up the medical supply there. In 1937 he became head of the chemical and pharmacological service of the SS medical office . He was last promoted to SS-Gruppenführer. In August 1943 the office was subordinated to the Reichsarzt SS and he received the title of medical witness master . This agency supplied the concentration camps with poisons.

After the Second World War he was interned ; but he was released from the Neuengamme internment camp in 1946 . He then lived in Grömitz in Holstein and ran a hospital pharmacy as a substitute.


  • Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich ; S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2003, ISBN 3-10-039309-0 .
  • Ernst Klee: Auschwitz. Perpetrators, accomplices and victims and what became of them. A dictionary of persons , S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2013, ISBN 978-3-10-039333-3 .
  • Mathias Schmidt, Dominik Groß, Jens Westemeier: Karl Blumenreuter (1881–1969): Himmler's chief pharmacist and medical supply quartermaster of the SS , in: Pharmazie 73 (4): 244–247