Carl Joachim Römer

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Carl Joachim Römer († December 1750 ) was a royal Polish and electoral Saxon major general of the infantry.


He came from the old Meißnian family Römer , which was closely connected to the Saxon mining industry and deliberately refrained from using the title of nobility until the 18th century .

In 1718 Carl Joachim Römer can be identified as a major. As such, he issued a receipt for the receipt of a hundredweight of powder from the main armory in Dresden for the funeral of General Hans Herrmann Wostromirsky von Rockittnigk .

In 1733 he was a royal Polish and electoral Saxon lieutenant colonel in a regiment on foot.

In 1742, Römer was a colonel with his regiment in Adorf in the Vogtland, where he appointed Georg Körner as field chaplain of his regiment.


His youngest daughter, Helena Carolina, born Römer, married on November 16, 1733 in the Marienkirche in Zwickau the captain of the former Chavalier-Guarde Hans Julius Bose from the Frankleben house, who died on January 8, 1751 in Zwickau. His death followed just a few days after his father-in-law Carl Joachim Römer, who had died in late December 1750. The childless Helena Carolina Römer became an orphan and a widow at the same time as a result of this severe stroke of fate. Neither her father nor her husband owned a manor, so that the widow Bose got into bad circumstances through no fault of her own.

Carl Joachim Römer carried the following coat of arms: “In red, two diagonally crossed golden (silver) pilgrim staffs (Roman staffs, also donkey whips) with the point downwards. On the helmet, with red and silver blankets, the crossed pilgrim's staffs. "


  • Johann Friedrich Gauhe , Christoph von Carlowitz: Des Heil. Rom. Reichs Genealogisch-Historisches Adels-Lexicon , Volume 1, 1740, p. 1921.
  • Continuation of the general historical lexici, in which […] , Volume 2, 1740, p. 1113.

Individual evidence

  1. Inventory 12790 personal estate of Karl Steinmüller
  2. Johann Georg Meusel: Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800 , Volume 7, by Gerhard Fleischer the Younger, Leipzig 1808, p. 223 digitized