Carl Pollard

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Carl Jesse Pollard (born June 28, 1947 ) is a professor of linguistics at Ohio State University .

Live and act

He graduated from Stanford in 1984 with a Ph.D. So from a Doctor of Philosophy . He previously received his BS in Mathematics from Purdue University in 1970 . At Brown University , he studied mathematics up to an MS . He received his MA in Indiana in 1978 through dealing with East Asian Languages ​​and Cultures .

He is a representative of the head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar , a grammar theory that emerged in the 1980s on the basis of the revival of context-free phrase structure grammars as Generative Grammar Theory from the family of unification grammars .

Works (selection)

  • Carl Pollard, Ivan A. Sag : Information-based Syntax and Semantics. Volume 1: Fundamentals . Stanford: CSLI Publications, 1987
  • Carl Pollard, Ivan A. Sag : Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994 ( [1] )
  • Carl Pollard, Ivan A. Sag: Anaphors in English and the Scope of Binding Theory. Linguistic Inquiry (1992) 23.2: 261-303.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Carl Pollard. The Ohio State University, Columbus. Computational Linguistics, Syntax, Semantics