Carl Wilhelm Freundlich

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Carl Wilhelm Friendly (born 12 . Jul / 24. February  1803 greg. In Kuressaare , the island of Saaremaa ; † 9 jul. / 21st January  1872 greg. In Kaigu, Island Muhu ) was an Estonian writer .

Life and literary work

Carl Wilhelm Freundlich was born on the island of Saaremaa. His father was of Swedish descent and died in Russian service in 1812 in the Battle of the Beresina . The mother Kristine was then a housekeeper on Saaremaa. Her son Carl Wilhelm began an apprenticeship as a carpenter there in 1821.

Carl Wilhelm Freundlich was a sexton on the Estonian Baltic Sea island of Muhu from 1825 until his death in 1872 . He also worked as a Protestant school teacher, community clerk, beekeeper, and forester. Freundlich was heavily involved in journalism in the spirit of enlightenment . Above all, he wanted to raise the level of education of the Estonian rural population. Freundlich collaborated with the Estonian newspaper Perno Postimees , wrote for the Estonian calendar literature and translated stories and poems into Estonian . He also wrote two practical guides for farmers: Pöllomehhe ait (1849) and Pöllomees (1864).

In addition, Freundlich wrote himself. His works are often kept in a sentimental and instructive tone. The best known prose texts are Siin on Magdeburgi-linna hirmsast ärarikkumisest. Muhho-maa hundi jahhist. Jännese õhkamisest yes Rhhepappist luggeda. (1837) and Appolonius, Tirusse ja Sidoni kunningas (1846).

In the poetry collections of Berend Guild man released friendly than fifty poems. Freundlich's poetry mostly deals with events from rural life. His Knittelverse was popular and widespread among the rural population. The most famous poems include Saaremaa mehe mõtted 1846. aastal , Teomehe elust , Kalakese truudus and Hobuse õhkamine . Carl Wilhelm Freundlich created the basis for his own Estonian lyric tradition. It is largely forgotten today.

Poetry collections

  • Aedlikkud ello-luggud (1857)
  • Aedlikkud laulud (posthumous, 1879)

Private life

Carl Wilhelm Freundlich married Frederike Wilhelmine Hoffmann (1813–1872) in 1835. The couple had three sons and two daughters.

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti Elulood. Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus 2000 (= Eesti Entsüklopeedia 14) ISBN 9985-70-064-3 , p. 65
  2. Cornelius Hasselblatt: History of Estonian Literature. Berlin, New York 2006, ISBN 3-11-018025-1 , pp. 203f.

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