Carlo Reishammer

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San Leopoldo Church , Follonica

Carlo Reishammer (born April 4, 1806 in Florence , † October 4, 1883 there ) was an Italian architect .

Reishammer's father was Austrian, his mother Italian. After completing school in Switzerland, Reishammer went to Rome . He completed his architecture studies at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence , where he had designed the Cimitero degli Inglesi cemetery around 1827 . In 1834 Reishammer married the daughter of the engineer and architect Alessandro Manetti and subsequently worked with his father-in-law, who was director of the Corpo degli Ingegneri d'Acque e Strade (directorate of the Tuscan hydraulic and road engineers ).

Reishammer used cast iron elements in several of his buildings that were made in the iron foundry in the Tuscan town of Follonica . At that time the place was the center of iron smelting in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and was sponsored by Leopold II . Together with Manetti, Reishammer designed the Church of San Leopoldo in Follonica (from 1836, consecrated in 1838), in which he combined cast iron parts (e.g. column portal, rosettes, steeple) with traditional masonry, as well as the cast-iron entrance gate of the iron foundry ( Cancello Magonale , 1836 ).

For the new excise wall of the city of Livorno ( Mura Leopoldine ) Reishammer designed several access gates from 1838 on behalf of the project manager Manetti.

From 1841 to 1846 Reishammer was commissioned to complete the first Tuscan railway line Livorno-Florence ( Ferrovie Leopolda ). From 1850 to 1859 he was responsible for realizing all railway lines in the Grand Duchy. He then withdrew from public contracts and ran a private architecture firm.



  • L. Zangheri: Alla scoperta della Toscana lorenese. L'architettura di Giuseppe e Alessandro Manetti e Carlo Reishammer . Firenze 1984.
  • Christoph Bertsch: L'Architetto dei Lorena: Carlo Reishammer (1806 - 1883); costruzioni, progetti, disegni architettonici e oggetti in ghisa sotto l'ultimo granduca di Toscana . Ed. Medicea, Firenze 1992.

Web links

Commons : Carlo Reishammer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files