Carlsberg Research Center

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Carlsberg Research Center building

The Carlsberg Laboratory is the Danish Carlsberg brewery owned research institution based in Copenhagen .

The focus of the activities is application-oriented research in the field of natural sciences , especially chemistry and biotechnology , with a special reference to brewing and the use of fermentation processes for industrial purposes, for which the research center also maintains a yeast bank .


The starting point of the research center was the Carlsberg Laboratory, which was founded in May 1875 as part of the Carlsberg Foundation with two departments for chemistry and physiology . After the merger of the Carlsberg brewery with the Tuborg brewery in 1972, the research facilities of both companies were merged in the form of the Carlsberg research laboratory. After the responsibility for the Carlsberg Laboratory changed from the Foundation to the Brewery, the Carlsberg Research Center was established four years later, to which the Carlsberg Laboratory and the Carlsberg Research Laboratory have belonged ever since. The two departments of the Carlsberg Laboratory were reorganized in 2004 into six interdisciplinary research areas.

Important research results in the history of the Carlsberg Research Center were the development of the Kjeldahl nitrogen determination by Johan Kjeldahl , director of the chemical department of the Carlsberg laboratory from 1876 to 1900, the development of a method for the pure culture of yeast by Emil Christian Hansen , director of the physiological department of 1879 to 1909, as well as the establishment of the pH value scale by Søren Sørensen , director of the chemical department from 1901 to 1938.

The laboratory gave under the titles "Meddelelser fra Carlsberglaboratoriet", "Comptes-rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. Série Chimique ”(1935 to 1958),“ Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. Série Physiologique ”(1934 to 1957),“ Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg ”(1958 to 1976) and“ Carlsberg Research Communications ”(1976 to 1989) publishes its own scientific journals .

Organization and direction

The research center currently consists of the Carlsberg Research Laboratory and the Carlsberg Laboratory. The main focus of the work of the Carlsberg research laboratory is to support the Carlsberg brewery through research in the field of beer brewing chemistry and the development of corresponding analytical methods . The orientation of the Carlsberg Laboratory is far-reaching and includes not only brewery-related research but also projects in other areas of industrial biotechnology and biomedical research. It is divided into six areas for cell biology , molecular recognition processes , enzymology , chemistry of hydrocarbons , structural biology , yeast biology and NMR technology .

The institute's library uses the Scandinavian Bryggerhøjskole .


  • Heinz Holter , K. Max Møller: The Carlsberg Laboratory. 1876-1976. Carlsberg Foundation, Copenhagen 1976, ISBN 8-77-496539-5
  • Christian B. Anfinsen : The International Influence of the Carlsberg Laboratory on Protein Chemistry. In: Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. 29 (3) / 1986. Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 87-89, ISSN  0031-5982

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