Carmen Cortés

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Carmen Cortés (* 19th December 1957 in Barcelona ) is to the great flamenco Go-Go girls (bailaoras) counted today. In the course of many years of dance development, she has enriched flamenco with a multitude of new elements. She has developed her own style that cannot be classified in any of the conventional subjects.

Cortés' parents originally came from Andalusia , which is why she made her first dance experiences in flamenco. She acquired the basic knowledge of classical dance at the Escuela del Ballet Nacional .

In 1998 she received an award for best staging for her play Yerma . As part of the fair of the Teatro de Huesca in November 1999, her new piece "Racial" was premiered. With a revision of this choreography, she has also opened the autumn festival “Las Palmas de Gran Canaria” in the Pérez Galdós theater.

In addition to numerous solo appearances at various international festivals and the management of her own company in collaboration with her husband, the guitarist Gerardo Núñez , she now teaches at the famous Amor de Dios school in Madrid .


  • Acontraluz
  • Las Furias
  • Flamenco - Flamenco (study of flamenco yesterday and today)
  • Cantes de Ida y Vuelta
  • Memoria del Cobre
  • El amor brujo
  • Los Gabrieles (homage to the Café cantante )
  • A Federico (ballet with elements of flamenco)
  • Yerma
  • Salomé
  • Así Pasen Cien Años

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