Carol Détective

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title Carol Détective
country Belgium
author André-Paul Duchâteau
Illustrator Eddy Paape
publishing company Lombard
magazine Tintin Sélection
First publication 1978 - 2001

Carol Détective is a realistic drawn Franco-Belgian comic .


The private detective Carol solves several difficult criminal cases with the help of Rom, an alien cat from the Zhyl people.


André-Paul Duchâteau wrote the detective series. The draftsman was Eddy Paape , who did the preparatory work of his assistant Andreas in the first episode . The series appeared in Tintin Sélection in 1978 and in Hello Bédé from 1990 to 1991 . Le Lombard began the album release in 1991, which was completed with another story by Loup in 2001. The first short story was printed in the series Luc Orient , which also happened in the German-speaking area.


  • Mission 2012 ( Mission en 2012 , Tintin Sélection, 1978, 16 pages)
  • Le contrat (Hello Bédé, 1990, 9 pages)
  • Mort d'une magicienne (Hello Bédé, 1991, 9 pages)
  • Double vie (Hello Bédé, 1991, 10 pages)
  • Horror museum (Hello Bédé, 1991, 7 pages)
  • La cité des ordinateurs (Hello Bédé, 1991, 7 pages)
  • Mission Atlantide (2001, 46 pages)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Andreas (1) on (French)
  2. Mission en 2012 in Tintin Sélection on (French)
  3. Carol Détective in Hello Bédé on (French)
  4. Carol Détective on (French)
  5. Mission en 2012 in Les spores de nulle part at Le Lombard on (French)
  6. Mission en 2012 in Intégrale Luc Orient (5) at Le Lombard on (French)
  7. Mission 2012 in The Spurs from Nowhere at Hethke on
  8. Mission 2012 in the complete edition Luc Orient (5) at Ehapa on