Eddy Paape

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Édouard "Eddy" Paape (born July 3, 1920 in Grivegnée , † May 12, 2012 in Brussels ) was a Belgian cartoonist .


Eddy Paape studied art and painting. Since he couldn't make a living from painting, he worked in the animation department of the CBA, where he met Morris , André Franquin and Peyo . Through her he came into contact with Jijé , who entrusted him with Valhardi .

He eventually joined the World's Press by Georges Troisfontaines and helped Victor Hubinon in Buck Danny , Surcouf and Tiger Joe, and MiTacq in The Blue Panthers . There was a long-term collaboration with Jean-Michel Charlier and Octave Joly . Eddy Paape was Uncle Paul's first draftsman and drew his first own large series with Marc Dacier . If necessary, he continued to help out in Buck Danny and stepped in in The Red Corsair to avoid appearance gaps in Spirou and Pilote .

After disagreements, he turned his back on Dupuis and went to Le Lombard. The first short stories appeared in Tintin as early as 1966 . Greg wrote Luc Orient for him . Further series were created with André-Paul Duchâteau . The two authors collaborated again between 1990 and 1994.

As a drawing teacher, Eddy Paape taught young up-and-coming artists the basics of drawing comics for many years.

Works (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eddy Paape on bdzoom.com (French)
  2. Eddy Paape on actuabd.com (French)
  3. Eddy Paape on bedetheque.com (French)
  4. Le vaisseau fantôme (pages 7–16) according to jmcharlier.com (French)
  5. Le pirate sans visage (pages 11-17) according to jmcharlier.com (French)
  6. Eddy Paape on lambiek.net (English)