Buck Danny

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title Buck Danny
Charleroi - station Janson - Buck Danny - 01.jpg
country Belgium
author Jean-Michel Charlier
Jacques de Douhet
Francis Bergèse
Frédéric Zumbiehl
Illustrator Victor Hubinon
Francis Bergèse
Francis Winis
Gil Formosa
publishing company Dupuis
magazine Spirou
First publication 1947 - ...

Buck Danny (formerly Rex Danny in German ) is a Franco-Belgian comic series that began in 1947 and was created over the longest period of time by Jean-Michel Charlier and Victor Hubinon .


The three military pilots Buck Danny, Mike Tumbler and Sonny Tuckson get to know each other during their military service in the Pacific. After a brief interlude as civilians, they return to the USAF together . In the course of their careers they are stationed in various test and fighter squadrons. In the course of their missions, they fight spy rings and criminal gangs. These tasks lead them to all parts of the world. Several times they thwart the plans of the mysterious Lady X, who initially works as an enemy spy and later as a mercenary.


Georges Troisfontaines , who had worked for the comic magazine Spirou since the 1930s , had the idea shortly after the Second World War to retell the history of the Pacific War of 1941/42 in a semi-documentary comic. The fictional naval aviator Buck Danny appeared as the protagonist of this story. Danny shows up at the historical hot spots and witnesses the sinking of the USS Yorktown , for example .

Troisfontaines wrote only the first 13 pages of this 100-page long story, which was printed in Spirou in 1947 and 1948 and later published in two albums. Since he had problems continuing the scenario, Troisfontaines handed this work over to the 23-year-old Jean-Michel Charlier , who was still studying law at the time. Charlier has been creating comic strips and information pages about aviation for Spirou since 1944. Signatories of Buck Danny was the 23-year-old Victor Hubinon , who began his career as a retoucher and illustrator, and was recently working for Spirou. In the first albums all planes and aircraft carriers were drawn by Jean-Michel Charlier. Later Charlier limited himself to his work as a scenarioist.

Hubinon and Charlier were paid very poorly at the time and lived in a barracks with other comic bookmakers like Albert Weinberg . In order to make ends meet financially, they even worked as a mail plane for a while. Charlier worked briefly as a pilot for the Sabena , but found the work boring.

With the albums 3-6 (first published in Spirou from 1948 to 1951 ) the action shifted from Buck Danny to the Asian theaters of war in 1942-45. During this time, Danny got to know his two fellow aviators Tuckson and Tumbler, with whom he would share all of his future adventures. Slender Texan Sonny Tuckson became the comic relief of the series and was responsible for the humorous inserts. He regularly stepped in oil or paint buckets, attracted attention through spectacular falls, embarrassed himself with his extravagant clothing or was bitten in the rear by the dog of an aircraft carrier commander.

The first six Buck Danny albums still differed significantly from the later stories, which were published from 1951. From volume 7, the albums were published with a uniform length of 46 pages, each page only had four strips of images instead of five. Hubinon's drawing style had developed significantly, the scenarios broke away from the historical background and now had a fictional character, even if they had current references. Danny, Tumbler and Tuckson, for example, always flew and fly the most modern military aircraft.

In albums 7-9, which played in the immediate post-war period, Danny, Tumbler and Tuckson no longer served as naval pilots, but became embroiled in political intrigue in the Middle East. With "Test Pilots", the tenth story (1952–53), they entered the Air Force as test pilots. In 1953 they served in the Korean War, which was criticized by the powerful censorship authorities. In fact, Charlier never allowed the pilot trio to participate in war missions again later in order to avoid similar problems.

With the thirteenth album Aircraft Carrier Valley Forge (1954) Buck Danny and his two comrades joined the US Navy. With the pilots now stationed on aircraft carriers, scenarioist Charlier could embark on adventures anywhere in the world. The pilot trio appeared in the Arctic, Malaysia, the Pacific, Tibet, the Philippines and the Caribbean, for example.

In the two- parter secret base Zero / Buck Danny against Lady X , the perennial villain Lady X, the unscrupulous leader of an international espionage organization, was seen for the first time in 1955/56. Lady X continues to act as an opponent of Buck Danny.

By 1978 the Charlier / Hubinon team had produced 40 Buck Danny albums. After Hubinon died in 1979 at the age of 54, no new stories initially appeared. In 1983 Charlier found Francis Bergèse (* 1941), a new draftsman for his aviator series, and with this he produced four Buck Danny albums by 1988 . A fifth album remained unfinished as Charlier fell ill in 1989 and died in July of that year at the age of 64. (This story was published in 2017 under the name "The Blackbirds" as a two-parter.)

After Jacques de Douhet wrote a Buck Danny album in 1993 , the draftsman Bergèse took over this task from 1996. Bergèse designed seven albums by 2007 and then retired. Since 2013 the series has been written by Frédéric Zumbiehl (* 1965) and designed by various artists. Since 2014, Buck Danny albums have been published separately , which are part of the classic series cosmos of the 50s and 60s.

With a running time of 73 years (as of 2020), Buck Danny is one of the longest-lived comic series in Europe today.


The series began on January 2, 1947 in Spirou magazine and appeared there between 1947 and 1978 and from 1993 to 2008. The albums were published by various publishers. Three short stories were published in Risque-Tout. Dupuis published a first complete edition with Tout Buck Danny .

In the German-speaking world, editions by Buck Danny were first published in sequels from 1958 to 1961 in the series of magazines " Der hehre Fridolin ". "The cheerful Fridolin" Volumes 1–2 and 22–28: "Testpiloten" (pp. 1–4 "In der Grüne Hölle"); Volume 29–37: "The Flying Tigers"; Volume 38-45, "Flying Saucers"; Vol. 46-52, "Buck Danny vs. Lady X"; Volume 53–54 "SOS at the North Pole". In Zack 56/2004 the short story "Das Mascot". Further short stories appeared in the Austrian Comic Forum in the 1980s: Volume 15 "An incredible story" (b / w); Volume 17: "A special order" (b / w); Volume 20: "This man is a hero - why?" (b / w); Volume 22: "Buck Danny" (b / w).

In 1973 , Bastei began to publish its own series of issues in the German-speaking area . Some albums with acts of war were omitted and the order of the other episodes changed. The changed sequence led to breaks in the chronology. In addition, names and locations have been changed. A new edition of the series started in 1977. Ehapa published a few episodes in the series The Great Aviator and Racer Comics and Comics Unlimited .

The independent album series came from Carlsen . One story appeared in an anthology.

Salleck continued the series. The unfinished episode came out in a special issue. Salleck has been publishing the Buck-Danny Complete Edition of Dupuis Verlag since 2011, in which the history of the series is documented through elaborate editorial accompanying articles. So far, fourteen volumes of this complete edition have been published in Germany (as of 2020). The complete edition thus includes all the stories that were written up to 2008.


No. Original French title with
date of first publication
German first edition
Bastei (1973-78)
German title of the new or complete edition
Carlsen / Salleck
chronology Complete edition Salleck
1 Les japs ​​attaquent (1947) - Battle in the Coral Sea Cycle 1 part 1
2 Les mystères de Midway (1947-1948) - The Midway Miracle Cycle 1 part 1
3 La revanche des fils du ciel (1948–1949) - The sons of heaven Cycle 2 Volume 2
4th Les tigres volants (1949–1950) - The flying tigers Cycle 2 Volume 2
5 Dans les Griffes du Dragon Noir (1950) - In the claws of the black dragon Cycle 2 Volume 2
6th Attaque en Birmanie (1950–1951) - Captured in Burma Cycle 2 Volume 2
7th Les trafiquants de la mer Rouge (1951) 27: The damned of the desert Smuggler on the Red Sea Cycle 3 Volume 3
8th Les pirates du désert (1951–1952) 28: The death caravan Pirates of the desert Cycle 3 Volume 3
9 Les gangsters du pétrole (1952) 29: Duel in the Sahara Hunt for the oil gangsters Cycle 3 Volume 3
10 Pilotes d'essai (1952–1953) 1: Sky Striker Test pilots Single album Volume 3
11 Ciel de Corée (1953) - Attack out of nowhere Cycle 5 Volume 4
12 Avions sans pilotes (1953–1954) - The killer machines Cycle 5 Volume 4
13 Un avion n'est pas rentré (1954) 2: Men without nerves Valley Forge aircraft carrier Single album Volume 4
14th Patrouille à l'aube (1954–1955) 24: The lost patrol The lost patrol Single album Volume 4
15th NC-22654 ne répond plus (1955) 3: NC226 no longer answers SOS at the North Pole Single album Volume 5
16 Menace au nord (1955–1956) 8: Secret Command Secret Base Zero Cycle 9 Volume 5
17th Buck Danny versus Lady X (1956) 9: Lady X strikes Buck Danny versus Lady X Cycle 9 Volume 5
18th Alerte en Malaisie (1956–1957) 17: Approach at dawn Terror in Malaysia Cycle 10 Volume 6
19th Le tigre de Malaisie (1957) 18: Hunting Cobra The tigers of Malaysia Cycle 10 Volume 6
20th SOS soucoupes volantes (1957) 19: On the wrong course Flying saucers Cycle 11 Volume 6
21st Un prototype a disparu (1958) 20: Where's Zero Nine? An airplane disappears Cycle 11 Volume 6
22nd Top Secret (1958) 21: Top Secret Top secret Cycle 12 Volume 7
23 Mission vers la vallée perdue (1958–1959) 22: Emergency call via Tibet Escape from Tibet Cycle 12 Volume 7
24 Prototype FX-13 (1959) 4: Prototype X-13 Prototype FX-13 Cycle 13 Volume 7
25th Escadrille ZZ (1959–1960) 5: Fire on board The saboteur Cycle 13 Volume 7
26th Le retour des tigres volants (1960) 10: The flying tigers Course for Niang-Ngai Cycle 14 Volume 8
27 Les tigres volants à la rescousse (1960–1961) 11: The tigers attack Use in Viet-Tan Cycle 14 Volume 8
28 Tigres flounces against pirates (1961–1962) 12: In the Green Hell The flying tigers strike back Cycle 14 Volume 8
29 Operation Mercury (1962) 13: Company Mercury Operation Mercury Cycle 15 Volume 8
30th Les voleurs de satellites (1962–1963) 14: Condor 3 overdue Hunt in the Caribbean Cycle 15 Volume 9
31 X-15 (1963-1964) 6: Flight of no return Flight of no return Single album Volume 9
32 Alerte à Cap Kennedy (1964) 7: Duel in the clouds Alert on Cape Kennedy Single album Volume 9
33 Le mystère des avions fantomes (1964–1965) 23: Exclusion zone 45 Chasing a phantom Single album Volume 9
34 Alerte atomique (1965–1966) 15: Use in the jungle Dangerous maneuver Cycle 19 Volume 10
35 L'escadrille de la mort (1967) 16: The Season of the Lost The death relay Cycle 19 Volume 10
36 Les ans bleus (1969) 25: The Blue Angels Blue angels Cycle 20 Volume 10
37 Le pilote au masque de cuir (1970) 26: Dive into hell The pilot without a face Cycle 20 Volume 10
38 La vallée de la mort verte (1972) 30: The devil squadron In the Green Hell Cycle 21 Volume 11
39 Requins en mer de Chine (1975-1976) - Sharks in the China Sea Cycle 21 Volume 11
40 Ghost Queen (1978) - The ghost queen Cycle 21 Volume 11
41 Mission Apocalypse (1983) - Operation Apocalypse Cycle 22 Volume 12
42 Les pilotes de l'enfer (1984) - Pilots of hell Cycle 22 Volume 12
43 Le feu du ciel (1986) - Heaven on fire Cycle 22 Volume 12
44 Les agresseurs (1988) - The defector Single album Volume 12
1/2 Les oiseaux noirs (1989) Zack special issue 5: The Blackbirds (fragment) The Blackbirds Originally just a fragment, the story has now been completed and released as a full album in 2017 Volume 12 (fragment)
45 Les secrets de la mer Noire (1993-1994) - The secrets of the Black Sea Single album Volume 13
46 L'escadrille fantôme (1996) - Operation Sarajevo Single album Volume 13
47 Zone interdite (1997) - Conspiracy in the jungle Cycle 26 Volume 13
48 Tonnerre sur la cordillère (1999) - Storm over the Cordilleras Cycle 26 Volume 13
49 La nuit du serpent (2000) - The night of the snake Single album Volume 14
50 Sabotage au Texas (2002) - Sabotage in Texas Single album Volume 14
51 Mystère en Antarctique (2005) Zack 74-78/2005 The secret of the Antarctic Single album Volume 14
52 Porté disparu (2007-2008) - Lost in Afghanistan Single album Volume 14
53 Cobra noir (2013) - Black Cobra Single album
54 La nuit du specter (2015) - The night of the spirit Cycle 27
55 Defcon one (2016) - - Cycle 27
56 Vostok ne repond plus (2018) - - Single album

Tout Buck Danny

While Jean-Michel Charlier was looking for a replacement after the death of Victor Hubinon , Dupuis was preparing a complete edition of all the stories of the aviator series that had appeared so far. The publication began in 1983 and later also contained the work of the new draftsman Francis Bergèse , who had created all 16 cover pictures by 2006.


No. title tape
1 La Guerre du Pacifique 1 1-3
2 La Guerre du Pacifique 2 4-6
3 Aviateurs démobilisés 7-9
4th La Guerre de Corée 10-12
5 Pilotes de porte-avions 13-15
6th De l'Ext.-Nord à l'Ext.-Orient 16-19
7th Vols vers l'inconnu 20-23
8th Pilotes de prototypes 24-26
9 Le Retour des Tigres volants 27-29
10 Mission "top secret" 30-33
11 Missions à très haut risque 34-37
12 Mission aérienne anti-mafia 38-40
13 Alerte nucléaire 41-43
14th Ennemis intérieurs 44-45
15th Zones de combat 46-48
16 Embrouilles en temps de paix 49-51

Complete edition

After Francis Bergèse retired, Dupuis decided on a second complete edition of the aviator comic after Tout Buck Danny . The background part was written by Patrick Gaumer . The French publication began in 2010. Salleck is responsible for the German edition, which started in 2011.

No. title tape
1 Complete edition 1947–1948 1-2
2 Complete edition 1948–1951 3-6
3 Complete edition 1951–1953 7-10
4th Complete edition 1953–1955 11-14
5 Complete edition 1955–1956 15-17
6th Complete edition 1956–1958 18-21
7th Complete edition 1958–1960 22-25
8th Complete edition 1960–1962 26-29
9 Complete edition 1962–1965 30-33
10 Complete edition 1965–1970 34-37
11 Complete edition 1972–1978 38-40
12 Complete edition 1983–1988 41-44
13 Complete edition 1993–1999 45-48
14th Complete edition 2000-2008 49-52

Web links

Individual references / comments

  1. Buck Danny on salleckpublications.de , accessed on August 31, 2015
  2. Buck Danny in Spirou on bdoubliees.com (French)
  3. Buck Danny on bedetheque.com (French)
  4. Zack 56/2004, p. 6.7
  5. ^ Rex Danny (1973–1974) at Bastei on comicguide.de
  6. ^ Rex Danny (1977–1978) at Bastei on comicguide.de
  7. Buck Danny at Carlsen on comicguide.de
  8. ^ Buck Danny in Carlsen Classic at Carlsen on comicguide.de
  9. Buck Danny in Comic Hits (2) at Carlsen on comicguide.de
  10. Buck Danny at Salleck on comicguide.de
  11. Buck Danny in Zack special issue (5) on comicguide.de
  12. Buck Danny Complete Edition comicguide.de