Caroline Bos

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Caroline Bos (* 1959 in Rotterdam , Netherlands ) is a Dutch art historian and architect. She runs the UNStudio office in Amsterdam with Ben van Berkel and others .


Caroline Bos is a studied art historian and has fundamental knowledge of architectural theory. Bos has taught at the Architecture Academy in Arnhem, the Vienna University of Technology , the Design Academy in Eindhoven, Liverpool University , the AA in London and others. In 1999 Bos became a thesis tutor at the Berlage Institute in Amsterdam. In 2000 she joined a visiting professor at Princeton University with Ben van Berkel .

In 1988 she founded van Berkel & Bos Architectuurbureau with Ben van Berkel in Amsterdam . In 1998 van Berkel and Bos founded the design office UN Studio in addition to their architecture office , where UN stands for united net .

Projects (selection)

  • Company building Amersfoort (1990–1991)
  • Erasmus Bridge Rotterdam (1990–1995)
  • Moebius House in Het Gooi (1993–1995)
  • for projects after 1999 see UNStudio

Web links