Cartel watch

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Gustavian cartel clock (18th century) by Jacob Kock, Stockholm .

The Cartel clock is a typical French design of a wall clock that was widespread in the period from 1730 to the 19th century.


The Cartel clock is a spring- powered wall clock in an ornate, richly decorated cartridge-shaped case, which is mostly made of fire- gold- plated cast bronze . Probably the most eye-catching, beautiful and valuable Cartel clocks manifest the heyday of the King Louis XV. ( Rococo ) and Louis XVI. ( Classicism ).

In Austria , Sweden and Switzerland , this concept was further worked on, but without the popularity of the originals being achieved. The imitations mostly only had watch cases carved in wood and covered with gold leaf .

Web links

Commons : Cartel clocks  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst von Bassermann-Jordan : watches; A guide for collectors and enthusiasts . Richard Carl Schmidt & Co. Berlin 1920; P. 46.
  2. Viktor Pröstler: Callweys manual of the clock types. From the wristwatch to the zappler . Callwey Munich 1994, ISBN 3-7667-1098-2 ; P. 118.
  3. Fritz von Osterhausen: Callweys lexicon . Munich 1999, ISBN 3-7667-1353-1 ; P. 50.