Castanopsis costata

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Castanopsis costata
Eurosiden I
Order : Beech-like (Fagales)
Family : Beech family (Fagaceae)
Genre : Mock chestnuts ( Castanopsis )
Type : Castanopsis costata
Scientific name
Castanopsis costata
( Flower ) A.DC.

Castanopsis costata is aspecies of tree fromthe beech family (Fagaceae) that occurs in Southeast Asia . Your nuts are edible.


Castanopsis costata is a tree . The leaves are entire.

The fruit cups (cupulae) are studded with simple spikes. The spines are curved, irregular, not close together, so that the skin of the fruit cup remains visible. They are straight at the base and curved inwards towards the fruit cup at the top. The fruit cups rarely open. The nuts are formed individually or up to four, they are flattened at the base and hairy silver.

Flowering time is February to June, the fruits are ripe between April and October.

Distribution and locations

The species occurs in Thailand , Malaysia and Indonesia . It grows in the evergreen lowland rain wall, in lower mountain forests, near rivers on granite or sandstone subsoil. It occurs at altitudes of 75 to 1700 m, but mostly between 200 and 300 m.

supporting documents

  • Chamlong Phengklai: A synoptic account of the Fagaceae of Thailand . Thai Forest Bulletin 2006, Volume 34, pp. 53-175. ISSN  0495-3843