Catechesi tradendae

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Catechesi tradendae is an Apostolic Letter from Pope John Paul II. This post-synodal letter of October 16, 1979, with the subtitle On Catechesis in Our Time , summarizes the results of the 4th Ordinary General Assembly (September 30 to October 29, 1977) of the Synod of Bishops in Rome . The results of this Synod are based on the documents of the Second Vatican Council and are based on the recommendations of the conciliar commissions.

In the introduction the author refers to the importance of catechesis and mentions the last commission that Jesus Christ gave to his disciples . This read:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations by baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to keep everything that I have asked you to do ... ( Mt 28 : 19-20  EU ) "

This notice is linked to the instruction that the Missio canonica must be given for every instruction . The post-synodal letter consists of three main sections in which John Paul II reminds of the high regard for catechesis. He emphasizes that his predecessors were always very concerned about this pastoral task. He especially mentions Pope Paul VI. who, with his sermons and the implementation of the deliberative decisions of the Second Vatican Council, had particularly advocated the " Catechism in modern times".

The Pope recalls that Paul VI. I contributed very actively to the processing of all questions of catechesis. For example, on March 18, 1971, he granted approval for a general catalog of catechesis, in 1975 he founded the International Council for Catechesis, and on September 25, 1971, he opened the International Catechesis Congress. Paul VI I stressed in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii nuntiandi (“On Evangelization ”) the importance of catechesis for the education of children and young people. Ultimately he dedicated the 4th Ordinary Synod of Bishops to "Catechesis in our time", in which he (John Paul II) was allowed to participate.

John Paul II thanks in his letter for the fruitful cooperation, the synod took place in a good atmosphere. At the end of the meeting, the participants would have submitted an extensive document with many and good suggestions, suggestions and thoughts.

The Pope also calls his apostolic letter Exhortatio and describes the purpose of his admonition by reflecting what Paul VI. had made clear in the course of the bishops' meeting. He, writes John Paul II, is now the responsibility of the two Council Fathers, John XXIII. and Paul VI. and he also sees it as his duty to fulfill this apostolic task, which is a central concern of pastors . As an encouragement, he expresses his wish that this letter should serve the entire church to strengthen the faith and lead to fresh strength and vigilance in the congregations.

"There is only one teacher and he is Jesus Christ" is the core statement of the apostolic letter and is intended to make it clear that the community of believers is always connected with the person of Christ. The essential object of catechesis is the introduction to the one and enigmatic person Jesus Christ. It is about mediating, explaining the actions and words of Jesus Christ and it is supposed to lead the believers to recognize the life of Jesus Christ in the Holy Trinity . However, this teacher is not an abstract person, but the Jesus Christ who began to teach and whose teaching, through his life, must be understood as a whole.

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