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Exhortatio ( Latin "encouragement") stands in Catholic parlance for the admonition to do right or the call to repent. The term appears regularly in Holy See pronouncements . The apostolic letter in the narrower sense is the Exhortatio apostolica , a non-circular letter of instruction .

Examples are mentioned here

  • The tradition of encyclicals was founded by Pope Benedict XIV (1740–1758), who on December 3, 1740 - shortly after taking office - published the first modern encyclical Ubi primum , on the duties of the bishops and their administration. In the final exhortation he encourages, exhorts and calls on the bishops to observe the assumption of duties and tasks and to take responsibility for his communities (flocks).
  • The encyclical Inter multiplices to the Cardinals , Archbishops and Bishops of France was published on March 21, 1853 by Pope Pius IX. proclaimed. She had to content preservation and unity of the liturgy and of the Missal ( Missal ). In an exhortation, the Pope also called on the bishops of France to admonish ("... exhort the men ...") and warn those who try to disturb the peace of the church with their writings and speeches. In the event of non-compliance, they should be expelled from the clergy .
  • With the encyclical Ubi nos ( When we ... from our enemies ) of May 15, 1871, Pope Pius IX protested. against the annexation of the Papal States . The Pope calls for prayer for the end of the struggle. In the final exhortation he encourages Catholic Christians to resist the occupiers and warns not to violate God's teaching.
  • Pope Leo XIII. Which many encyclicals published in almost all encyclicals with political statements has episcopate , the clergy and the faithful exhorts and encourages ( exhortiert ).
  • “Exhortation against the war”: In his exhortation of July 28, 1915, Benedict XV. the war as "horrible butchery" ( horrenda carneficina ). Shortly after taking office, on September 8, 1914, he vehemently campaigned against the war with an apostolic letter Ubi primum , which was followed by further appeals, in particular the letter of August 1, 1917 Dès le début . During his seven-year term in office (1914–1922), this Pope wrote a remarkable number of letters that did not have the rank of encyclical.
  • The Apostolic Letter of Pope Paul VI quoted after Gaudete's opening words in Domino . appeared on May 9, 1975, in the Holy Year. The Pope had placed the Holy Year announced by him in 1973 under the model of internal church and worldwide reconciliation. Together with the Exhortatio Evangelii Nuntiandi, which was also written in 1975 following the Synod of Bishops, it represents something like the legacy of the Council Pope.

Further meaning

In the theological-pedagogical field, it is also used as a term that describes an educational measure as an exhortation (exhortation) and as an educational act (exhortation, instruction, sanction).

The Exhortatio ad plebem christianam , an early medieval text from the 9th century that was written in the old Bavarian language, is of particular importance for historical linguistics . Today this document is part of the Kassel Talks and is kept in the Murhard library in Kassel.
