Gaudete in dominoes

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The Apostolic Letter of Pope Paul VI quoted after Gaudete's opening words in Domino . appeared on May 9, 1975 , in the Holy Year . The Pope had placed the Holy Year announced by him in 1973 under the model of internal church and worldwide reconciliation. For the Angelus prayer on Pentecost Sunday, May 18, 1975, the Pope summed up his project in the formula of the civilization of love , which has been remembered again and again in the doctrinal preaching of the popes: for example at the end of the Holy Year 1975, in the encyclical Centesimus Annus from 1991 (ibid. No. 11) and in the address of Pope Benedict XVI. at the consistory on March 24, 2006 .

For the Holy Year 1975, Pope Paul placed Christian joy at the center of his contemplation, with the intention of ending the "post-conciliar crisis" that had lasted around ten years . The apostolic letter is the first magisterial expression of the Christian message of joy.

Together with the Exhortatio Evangelii Nuntiandi, which was also written in 1975 following the Synod of Bishops, it represents something like the legacy of the Council Pope . The proclamation of the Gospel as the good news thus became the leitmotif of the successor John Paul II , who in all essential questions continued the program presented to the teaching proclamation of the council (and its interpreter Paul VI).

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