Cath Wallace

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Cath Wallace 2007

Catherine Ceinwen "Cath" Wallace (born January 17, 1952 in Hamilton ) is a New Zealand environmental activist and academic. She teaches economics and political science at Victoria University of Wellington . She has worked in environmental organizations in New Zealand and was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 1991 for her contributions to protecting the Antarctic environment.

Activism and political work

Wallace has been a lecturer in economics and political science at Victoria University in Wellington since 1987 . For more than a decade, she chaired the Environment and Conservation Organizations of New Zealand (ECO), a non-profit organization committed to protecting nature. Wallace is still a board member of the organization. She was also a member of the IUCN Board of Directors for two periods .

Her work has focused on ensuring that national decision-making takes account of the environmental impact. Together with other activists, she led a resistance movement against economic actors who tried to soften the so-called Resource Management Act . In her position as Chair of the ECO, she managed to transform the national fisheries law so that it applies to the entire ecosystem, not just fisheries. She continues to campaign for strict environmental laws and regulations to be introduced in New Zealand.

Wallace also co-founded the New Zealand branch of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) . In cooperation with ASOC, she campaigned internationally for a mining ban in the Antarctic. With the Antarctic Environmental Protocol , a big step was taken to protect the Antarctic. The protocol describes Antarctica as "a natural reserve, devoted to peace and science" (a natural reserve dedicated to peace and research). Also known as the Madrid Protocol, the protocol establishes rules for protecting the environment and bans mining.


Web links

Commons : Cath Wallace  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Wallace, Catherine Ceinwen . In: The Environment Encyclopedia and Directory 2001 . Psychology Press, 2001, ISBN 978-1-85743-089-9 , pp. 550 ( ).
  2. ^ A b Cath Wallace - 1991 Goldman Prize Recipient Islands and Island Nations. In: Goldman Environmental Prize., accessed August 14, 2016 .
  3. ^ ECO - Environment and Conservation Organization of Aotearoa New Zealand - About Us., accessed on August 14, 2016 .