Cees Andriessen

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Cornelis Christiaan Jacob Andriessen , also Cees (born March 20, 1940 in Wageningen ) is a Dutch painter , graphic artist and draftsman .

Live and act

Cees Andriessen studied at KBK Arnheim from 1960 to 1964 . He became a member of the artist group de Kiem in Apeldoorn . In the 1960s he often exhibited in the artist community with Johan Meycrink under the name Twee Grafietsie . He created numerous woodcuts, linocuts, lithographs, advertising drawings and bookplates.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1971 Friedrichshafen
  • 1977 Apeldoorn
  • 1980 Fuerth
  • 1982 Apeldoorn

Works in museums

  • New Gallery Linz


  • CA Bas-Backer-Lusnhof: Andriessen, Cornelis Christiaan Jacob . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 3, Seemann, Leipzig 1990, ISBN 3-363-00116-9 , p. 676.