Celonites abbreviatus

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Celonites abbreviatus
Celonites abbreviatus

Celonites abbreviatus

Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Subordination : Waist Wasps (Apocrita)
Family : Wasps (Vespidae)
Subfamily : Honey wasps (Masarinae)
Genre : Celonites
Type : Celonites abbreviatus
Scientific name
Celonites abbreviatus
( Villers , 1789)

Celonites abbreviatus is a species from the order of the hymenoptera (Hymenoptera). It is the onlyspecies of honey wasps (Masarinae)foundin Central Europe .


The wasps reach a body length of 7 to 9 millimeters and have a strongly variable yellow-black colored body. They can be easily recognized by their club-shaped, thickened antennae and flattened sternites .


The species occurs from North Africa across southern and southern Central Europe east to Asia Minor . It colonizes warm rock and stone corridors in the rock rubble area with loose vegetation. The animals fly in one generation from early June to late August. They are very rare in Central Europe.

Way of life

Celonites abbreviatus build their clay nests on stones in well-protected places. They consist of up to 10 tubes aligned side by side, open at the bottom, which occasionally also have horizontal cross tubes at the bottom. The nest is finally covered with a camouflaging layer of clay. The brood is supplied with pollen and nectar. In Central Europe, the species specializes in the nectar of certain types of plants ( oligolectics ). It collects on mint family , which have short lower lips, especially on mountain germander ( Teucrium montanum ). By pressing and rubbing the stamens (anthers) with the forehead, the female collects pollen in the hair on the head. There it is brought to the mouth through combs on the tarsi and finally stored in the goiter together with the nectar. This food is regurgitated in the brood cells.

In case of danger, the animals can ball themselves in, similar to gold wasps . The golden wasp Chrysis versicolor is known as a parasite of the species.



  • Rolf Witt: Wasps. Observe, determine. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-89440-243-1 .