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Centurie (Latin centuria , from centum , "hundred") was originally a division of 100 men (later 80 men) in the Roman military , in the oldest period it was primarily a division of 100 riders.

Servius Tullius transferred the name to the 193 departments into which he divided the entire armed citizenship according to their property, 18 centurions of horsemen (or knights ) and 175 centurions of foot soldiers, 80 of them for the first, 20 each for the second, third and fourth and 30 belonged to the fifth asset class. Those below the fifth grade together formed a centurion; the remaining 4 Centuries were formed from the carpenters and minstrels required for the war. In the popular assembly ( comitia centuriata ) arranged according to centurions , each centurion had one vote, and the voting took place in such a way that the centurions of knights began voting and then the other centurions followed in order of rank, which is why it is when the knights and the Centuries of the first class agreed because they formed the majority and did not need a further vote. At a later time, which could not be determined with certainty, a change was made with regard to the centurions, as a result of which this preponderance of knights and first-class citizens was restricted.

The division into classes and centurions determined the type of military service, the type of armor and armament, the position in the army and in battle.

Originally, the heavily armed infantry of each legion was probably divided into 30 divisions of 100 men each, i.e. centuries, which were usually called maniples . In the 2nd century BC The Manipel was divided into two halves. These were then called Centuries, even though they did not reach the number 100. The leaders of the maniples were called centurions . After the division into two centurions, a maniple had two centurions, of which the higher rank was in charge of the entire maniple. From the late republic onwards, each centurion consisted of 10 contubernia ("tent communities") of 8 men each.

In the last century of the republic the legions are divided into 10 cohorts each, each of which contains three maniples and thus six centurions. An exception is the first cohort, which consists of five double centuria.

In agriculture, century means a piece of land of 200 Iugera , or 100 acres (area measure) .

Centuria (Spanish Civil War)

At the beginning of the Spanish Civil War , the republican militia units organized themselves in Centurien ( hundreds ). Within the Centuria, the group of ten formed the smallest unit, which was led by an eleventh, the elected or appointed group leader. The Centuria was part of a Columna .

See also

Wiktionary: Century  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations