Ceropegia carnosa

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Ceropegia carnosa
Ceropegia carnosa

Ceropegia carnosa

Family : Dog poison family (Apocynaceae)
Subfamily : Silk plants (Asclepiadoideae)
Tribe : Ceropegieae
Sub tribus : Stapeliinae
Genre : Candlestick flowers ( Ceropegia )
Type : Ceropegia carnosa
Scientific name
Ceropegia carnosa
E. Mey.

Ceropegia carnosa is a type of plant of the genus candlestick flowers ( Ceropegia ) from the subfamily of the silk plants (Asclepiadoideae).


Ceropegia carnosa has persistent, twisting and climbing stems that can be up to 2 m long. They measure about 1 to 2 mm in diameter. The roots are fleshy and thickened. The simple, narrowly egg-shaped to lanceolate leaves are slightly succulent and measure 2 to 3 cm × 1 to 2 cm. The leaf stalks are 5 to 15 mm long. The leaf stalks and margins are often hairy.

The stalked inflorescence is 3 to 5 flowered; however, only one flower is open at a time. The flower stalks are between 5 and 20 mm long. The overgrown petals are whitish green with reddish brown spots or stripes. The crown is up to 2.2 inches long. The slim crown cup is 4 mm long and wide. It is typically constricted slightly above the middle. The funnel-shaped corolla tube is constricted at the base and widens up to 6 to 10 mm. The corolla lobes are triangular to lanceolate and fused at the tips. They are whitish and covered with purple stripes or spots.


This species is common in Kenya , Swaziland and South Africa.


  • Focke Albers, Ulli Meve (Hrsg.): Succulent lexicon Volume 3 Asclepiadaceae (silk plants). Ulmer, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3800139820 .

Web links

Commons : Ceropegia carnosa  - Collection of images, videos and audio files