Cesare Damiano

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Cesare Damiano (2014)

Cesare Damiano (born June 15, 1948 in Cuneo ) is an Italian trade unionist and politician of the Partito Democratico (PD). He was Minister of Labor from 2006 to 2008.


Damiano holds a technical college degree in accounting and was employed by the ball bearing manufacturer RIV-SKF in Turin . In 1970 he joined the metalworkers ' union FIOM , a branch of the communist-oriented trade union confederation Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL). From 1974 he was a functionary, from 1976 member of the FIOM Secretariat (Board of Directors) in Turin and from 1980 to 1990 General Secretary of the trade union in Piedmont . From 1990 he was in the secretariat of the CGIL umbrella organization (Camera del Lavoro) in Turin, and in 1991 he became its general secretary. At the same time he was Deputy Secretary General of FIOM for all of Italy from 1991–96. From 2000–01 he was General Secretary of the CGIL in Veneto.

Then he switched to party politics and was elected to the national secretariat (i.e. the party executive ) of the Democratici di Sinistra (DS; Left Democrats) in December 2001 . In the parliamentary elections in 2006 he was elected to the Camera dei deputati (Chamber of Deputies) for the first time , to which he was a representative of Piedmont until 2018. In the Prodi II cabinet , Damiano was the successor to Roberto Maroni from May 2006 to May 2008, Minister for Labor and Social Security. In 2007 the DS merged with other center-left parties to form the Partito Democratico, to which Damiano has belonged ever since. Maurizio Sacconi succeeded him in the office of Minister of Labor.

In the legislative period from 2013 to 2018, Damiano was chairman of the Labor Policy Committee in the Chamber of Deputies. Damiano belongs to the social democratic wing of the PD and founded the inner-party movement Laburisti Dem in 2017 . In the election of the party chairman in 2017, he supported Andrea Orlando's candidacy , who was defeated by Matteo Renzi . He ran as a constituency candidate in Terni for the 2018 parliamentary election , but was not re-elected. In autumn 2018, Damiano announced that he wanted to run for the party chairmanship of the PD, but withdrew this candidacy and supported Nicola Zingaretti .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Curriculum vitae on Cesare Damiano's website.