Cesarina Vighy

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Cesarina Vighy (born May 31, 1936 in Venice , † May 1, 2010 in Rome , Italy ) was an Italian scientist and writer.


Vighy graduated from the Venetian school Liceo Classico Marco Polo . Even as a young woman she became a celebrity at the theater of the University of Venice , the University of Ca 'Foscari , with whose ensemble she took part in various tours across Europe. She later enrolled in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Padua before completing her doctoral thesis at the University of Rome in the late 1950s in the field of Latin epigraphy on The Conditions of the Actor in Roman Times .

In 1982 Vighy settled in Rome in the Trastevere district with husband Giancarlo and daughter Alice . She first worked in the Italian Ministry of Culture (Ministero per i Beni Culturali). She moved to the Biblioteca di storia moderna e contemporanea , the library for modern and contemporary history, located in the historic Palazzo Mattei di Giove in Rome. She worked there until she retired.

At the age of 73, Vighy, already terminally affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), published her novel L'ultima estate (My Last Summer), which has many autobiographical features.

Vighy died in Rome two days after her second book was published, which is a farewell book in which e-mails from friends and family were also published.



  • 2009: L'ultima estate , Fazi Editore, Rome
    • German: My last summer , novel, from the Italian Maja Pflug, Verlag Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg ISBN 978-3-455-40273-5
  • 2010: Scendo. Buon proseguimento , with an introduction by Vito Manusco; Fazi Editore, Rome

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. I am the nastiest tongue and the greatest snob , in FAZ from August 10, 2011, page 24