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Changsa ( Chinese  昌 灑 鎮  /  昌 洒 镇 , Pinyin Chāngsǎ Zhèn ) is a large municipality 30 km northeast of the independent city of Wenchang in the Chinese province of Hainan, which is directly subordinate to the provincial government . Changsa has an area of ​​197 km² and 16,800 registered residents, plus around 10,000 migrant workers who work in forestry - Changsa has 6000 hectares of commercial forest - as well as in open-cast mines and smelting operations (January 2017). Five kilometers southeast of the city is the headquarters of the Song clan, from which, among other things, Song Qingling emerged , founder of the magazine “ China heute ” and 1959–1975 Vice President of the People's Republic of China.

In the mid-1990s, Changsa was discussed for some time as the location for the planned cosmodrome on Hainan, but for various reasons it was decided in favor of the large community of Longlou 15 km further south-east. In retrospect, it was a wise decision. While typhoon Rammasun in July 2014 endangered the TT&C station of the recently completed cosmodrome, but otherwise did no major damage there, Changsa was severely devastated on this occasion. The residents of Changsa quickly rebuilt their city and the production facilities, for which the local government was awarded the honorary title of "Progressive Reconstruction Unit" (灾后 重建 先进 单位) by the provincial government.

Fengming culture

In 1928, archaeologists found more than 60 carved stone tools from the Neolithic Age in the natural village of Fengming (凤鸣 村) about 3 km west of Changsa, part of today's administrative village of Baodui . From 1950 a total of five more excavations were carried out around the village, during which a large number of other stone tools (axes, adzes , chisels) made of slate and sandstone were found in addition to vessels made of mostly coarse red, but also gray-brown clay, which were found on about 4000 BC Were dated. By this time the local natives had already left their caves and lived in huts on open, slightly sloping surfaces. Since the patterns of the pottery decorated with stamps showed certain peculiarities, the term "Fengming culture" (凤鸣 文化) was coined for this variant of the stamp pottery culture.

Administrative structure

The large community of Changsa consists of 12 villages and a community of residents . These are:

Resident Community Changsaxu (昌洒墟社区), government seat of the greater community;
Baodui village (宝 堆 村);
Changfa Village (昌 发 村);
Changhua Village (昌华 村);
Changmao Village (昌茂 村);
Village Changsa (昌洒村);
Changxin Village (昌 新村);
Changxing Village (昌兴 村);
Village Dongqun (东群村);
Fengyuan Village (凤 元 村);
Gengxin village (更新 村);
Liancheng Village (联 成 村);
Village Qingling (庆龄村).

Natural resources

60% of the known titanium and zirconium deposits in China are located in Hainan, a considerable part of them in the area of ​​the large municipality of Changsa, where the ores are mined by several companies in simple open-cast mining using pressure flushing. According to the regulations of the Hainan Environment Ministry (海南 省 国土 环境 资源 厅), the companies concerned would first have to lift off the organic soil horizons and store them temporarily . After a pit has been exploited, it should be filled with the sand freed from titanium ore and then covered with the original humus. However, the companies generally do not adhere to these regulations, but instead divert the residual sludge onto the surrounding fields. In March 2005, 20 hectares of arable land had already been destroyed in this way in the area of ​​the greater municipality.

After the official Xinhua news agency reported the grievances nationwide on April 2, 2005, the Hainan Provincial Government published an "Urgent Notice of the Beginning of the Fierce Fight Against the Illegal Mining of Titanium and Zirconium" (关于 开展 严厉打击 非法 开采 钛 锆 矿 资源 专项 整顿 工作 的 紧急 通知). A task force made up of officials from the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Fisheries and other authorities was supposed to inspect the neuralgic points in Wanning and Wenchang , and the local authorities were encouraged to cooperate fully. The task force was authorized to confiscate illegally mined ores and to bring criminal proceedings against those responsible. Police were deployed to protect the task force and to pursue suspects who had escaped. Since the demand for titanium and zirconium was much higher than what the market could provide, and therefore prices rose sharply, this action had only a limited effect. The opencast mine moved a few kilometers to the north, in the large municipality of Wengtian.

A similar problem exists with silicon . In Changsa in the early 2000s, quartz sand deposits up to 20 m thick with a silicon dioxide content of 97.31% were discovered, which were located just below the surface and which could easily be mined by water flushing. This was requested at the time by the provincial government with reference to digitization. In practice, however, this mining method led to environmental damage similar to that of titanium and zirconium, in which case the commercial forests were damaged. On August 8, 2018, the Taiwanese China Times reported on it internationally. The city administration of Wenchang reacted much faster than the provincial government in the same case in 2005 and just two days later had put together a similarly composed task force consisting of officials from the city's environmental department, the police and the public prosecutor's office, who took action against five companies that were mining quartz sand without a permit .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 乡镇 概况. In: January 24, 2017, Retrieved October 29, 2019 (Chinese).
  2. 孙慧: 从 海洋 到 内陆 : 海南岛 早期 人类 活动 足迹. In: April 8, 2013, Retrieved October 29, 2019 (Chinese).
  3. 2018 年 统计 用 区划 代码 和 城乡 划分 代码 : 昌 洒 镇. In: Retrieved October 28, 2019 (Chinese).
  4. 姜恩宇: 海南 文昌 钛矿 开采 破坏 环境 毁坏 耕地 (1). In: April 2, 2005, Retrieved October 29, 2019 (Chinese).
  5. 姜恩宇: 海南 文昌 钛矿 开采 破坏 环境 毁坏 耕地 (2). In: April 2, 2005, Retrieved October 29, 2019 (Chinese).
  6. 姜秋宏: 关于 开展 严厉 打击 非法 开采 钛 锆 矿 资源 专项 整顿 工作 的 紧急 通知. In: January 13, 2006, Retrieved October 29, 2019 (Chinese).
  7. 梁 杉: 海南 文昌 海面 遭受 严重 污染 开采 钛矿 乱 排污. In: August 13, 2007, Retrieved October 29, 2019 (Chinese).
  8. 加强 构建 海南 硅 产业 链 群 领域 工业 管理 的 建议. In: April 7, 2005, Retrieved October 29, 2019 (Chinese).
  9. 陈飞: 重拳 出击 我市 对 五 家 非法 加工 石英 砂 企业 进行 查处. In: October 10, 2018, accessed October 29, 2019 (Chinese).

Coordinates: 19 ° 46 '  N , 110 ° 54'  E